Okay, so I finished the first one and am now reading the second one!!👍👍❤

Stargirl/Love, Stargirl Boxed Set
By Jerry Spinelli
Book Reviews (6)
it's really sad at the end, but thats why it's a good thing their is a second book.
Leo is one of them. He eats like them and does everything a proper MAHS student is 'suppose' to do. Then Stargirl shows up. She is different. She doesn't give into peer pressure or try to follow the crowd and she mystifies the town with her unique ways while also capturing the heart of Leo. But the MAHS student won't let her be for long. This the best books I've had the pleasure of reading and I desperately wish everyone would read it. Stargirl has moved. She is now facing a small girl named Dootsie, trying to help an augrophic out of her shell and trying to figure out the ever so mysterious perry all while trying to get over Leo. Can it be done? This book is as great as the first and we truly get a look into the mind of Stargirl, amazing.
this book was good
Stargirl is so awesome and unique!! In the first one she falls in love with Leo and then leo is shunned. In the second one she writes him a huge letter that covers everything the first year she had moved away. Stargirl is awesome. Go Stargirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!