The book Smoking Stinks by Kim Gosselin, this book is about Maddie and Alex know first-hand how smoking is affecting them. Maddie can't sleep at night because of Grandpa Norman's cough, and her allergies always seem to get worse when Grandpa Norman smokes. Alex's house smells like a chimney and, due to his asthma, he has a harder time breathing when he has to inhale the smoke from his mother's cigarettes. Maddie and Alex decide to work together on a health report for school about smoking. They learn there are many dangers from smoking, both for those who smoke and those around them who get the secondhand smoke. They learn about the effects of smoke -- the sicknesses that can result and even the "outer" effects like the stains on Grandpa Norman's teeth and fingers, and the smell of smoke everywhere. When it is time for Maddie and Alex to present their report to the class, they invite Grandpa Norman and his doctor, Dr. Parkin, to be guest speakers. They show the class pictures of healthy and unhealthy lungs and tell them about the dangers of secondhand smoke and chewing tobacco. Grandpa Norman even brings his nightshirt to school for them to smell. Grandpa Norman admits to the children that he started smoking because he thought it was cool and all his friends smoked. He says his nicotine addiction keeps him from being able to quit. "There's nothing good about smoking," Grandpa Norman tells the class. "The smartest thing you kids can do is to NEVER start." He then pledges to himself, Maddie, Dr. Parkin, and the whole class to quit smoking. This book is a fantastic book, it teaches the readers smoking is bad and how it affect's the body. The anti-smoking message is the main purpose of this book and I would recommend this book to all the ages around. Everyone knows about smoking and everyone should learn it.

Smoking Stinks
By Kim Gosselin, Thom Buttner
Maddie and Alex prepare for their school health report about smoking, and learn from Maddie's grandfather why he started smoking and why he hasn't quit. The story stresses the importance of never using tobacco products and the dangers of passive smoke, particularly to children with asthma and allergies. This book has received positive reviews from the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, and many health car professionals.
Publisher: Sagebrush Education Resources
ISBN-13: 9781417621446
ISBN-10: 1417621443
Published on 3/1/1998
Binding: Hardcover