Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants/Second Summer of the Sisterhood Boxed Set

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants/Second Summer of the Sisterhood Boxed Set

By Ann Brashares

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Lena, Carmen, Bridget, and Tibby have been through a lot together. But even after traveling across the world to keep these four very different friends connected, the pants remain strong, uncuffed–and remarkably flattering. Relive the girls’ first two summers apart in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and The Second Summer of the Sisterhood, two novels of strength, heartbreak, first love, mothers, and the amazing friends that make all of it bearable. The boxed set will also include an exclusive added value poster.
Publisher: Ember
ISBN-13: 9780553376067
ISBN-10: 0553376063
Published on 9/13/2005
Binding: Paperback

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