WARNING: This review may have a few spoilers, please be cautious. I will warn you before the spoilers come for those that wish to read a review without spoilers. Stanley Yelnats IV (His last name is basically his first name spelled backwards, and yes, he is the fourth in his family to be named Stanley Yelnats) finds himself accused of a crime and lands himself at Camp Green Lake, where there is no lake (although there used to be one), and there is no green: it's all pretty much a desert filled with a lot of dirt. He finds that he has to dig holes every day, as wide and as deep as his shovel. (The holes are each pretty big) But, when he starts to discover the true reason behind why he and all his 'camp friends' have to dig holes, he starts to get in a bit of danger. There is some true history to the town, and some treasure to be found. (WARNING: This is the section with spoilers.) And, when he decides to run away from camp, things get even more dangerous. Will he even survive in the desert? Or will something else happen? Something truly miraculous? Or maybe he'll experience something adventurous? Read this nail-biting novel to find out! I have watched the movie based on the book BEFORE I read the novel, so, my review may not be a true review of the novel as much and may be more of a review based on the movie. However, this is my interpretation of the novel AFTER reading the novel.

Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grades 3 - 8 | V | 4.6 | 47079 |
Stanley Yelnats is sentenced to dig holes at Camp Green Lake detention centre for stealing a pair of trainers. Stanley's quest to discover what he is digging for leads to danger and adventure and to a confrontation with his family's past.
Book Reviews (481)
Holes was simply awesome and VERY entertaining! It's about Stanley Yelnats who is forced to dig holes at Camp Green Lake detention center for a crime he didn't commit: stealing a pair of shoes. I loved this book because it has a really great mystery and a lot of action. It is also very funny at times.
Holes is a great book that anybody will enjoy. Stanley Yelnats is accused of something he didn't do, then sent to a detention center where he has to "dig holes" to "build strength." But soon Stanley discovers things and lots of twists and turns happen. There is also a second book that I recommend reading.
Holes by Louis Sachar is an adventurous and funny book, about the things a boy named Stanley has to go through with other boys at Camp Green Lake detention center for supposedly committing a crime due to his bad luck. There they have to dig up holes in the ground, but they discover a secret about Stanley's family past. My favorite thing about this book is the actual plot of it because the setting and conflict isn't something I knew about before reading, but was something I was curious about.
amazing book with heaps of amazing twists and turns it is a truly wonderful book and I would definitely recommend this to other readers so grab it and go on have a read!
An amazing book about never giving up. I have read the book and watched the movie at least 3 times each. I definitely recommend this action packed book.
Holes is a book about a boy named Stanley Yelnats. Yelnats is Stanley spelled backwards. Stanley was caught by police for a theft crime. He was caught with a baseball player's stolen shoes. He didn't actually steal them. They came falling from the sky. He thought they looked really nice, so he was going to take them to his dad. He didn't know they were stolen. The police caught him before he could take them to his dad. They gave him a choice, Camp Greenlake or jail. Stanley picked Camp Greenlake, because ''Greenlake'' sounded good. But it turns out there's no green grass, no lakes, no plants, no trees. Just holes and dirt. Also shovels. They take him into a place where they give him his bed, his work clothes, and his clothes for when he's done working. They tell him you have to dig a hole 5 feet into the ground, 5 feet long in every direction everyday. He has to do this for many months. This book was adventurous, and I recommend it to adventure readers, and also to people who like to read about friendship. I rate this 5/5.
Holes is about a boy named Stanley who is really unlucky. One day, he is walking and a pair of shoes falls on his head. He is then charged with stealing them and is sent off to a work camp. There you have to dig very big holes to try and find the treasure. Then Zero runs away and Stanley goes off to find him.
Your like digging a hole once you started it. A book filled with adventure and friendship. This is an ideal book to everyone.
Wow I read this irl and it is awesome!