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Sal and Gabi Break the Universe (A Sal and Gabi Novel, Book 1)
By Carlos Hernandez
Book Reviews (15)
I love that is has magic
This is my favorite book ever! It's about a boy named Sal, who has diabetes. He likes doing magic tricks, but he also has a secret: he can grab objects from other universes! A girl named Gabi finds out, and the two of them have several fun adventures together. I like this book because it has a lot of humor!
Sal prides himself on being an excellent magician, but when he starts attending a new school, Gabi Reál discovers Sal's secret: he can reach into other dimensions and pull things into their dimension, including different versions of his dead mother. There's only one problem: Sal's manipulation of time and space is putting the entire universe at risk. Sal, Gabi, and their friends and family, as well as a sassy entropy sweeper, will have to work to make things right. I loved this book and cannot believe it all started with a dead chicken and a dead mother. If Carlos Hernandez had written or writes any more books, I need to read them.
Book was good. Too many not-kid-friendly jokes. Could of been better without that.
I really want to read this book
WOW! This is book is so entertaining! This is a delightfully pleasant book, where Sal Vidon makes friends with overachiever Gabi. Sal, however, is capable of ripping holes in the universe, causing a hole to a random parallel dimension. No one has ever been able to see these holes- until Gabi. As the situation grows, so does the trust in new kid Sal and SCA president Gabi. This is a wonderful book, rich with culture, humor, and friendship. I highly recommend this book- and I can't wait for the sequel!!!!!
it is amazing book
This is a wonderful novel by Carlos Hernandez. The main character, Sal, has been sent to the principal's office once a day for the first three days of school. Now, it may sound like Sal is a troublemaker but, in his defense, the first couple of times weren't exactly his fault. However, the third time, it was because he put a dead chicken into a fellow student's locker. Yasmany, who had picked a fight with Sal, was the unlucky victim. Sal has everyone except Gabi, the very dedicated student council president, convinced that he is a very talented magician and that the chicken was all an illusion. To give Sal credit, he IS a very good magician but he also has a very special talent that no one, except his family, knows about. His talent can sometimes be helpful, but it can also cause lots of problems for Sal and his family. Sal makes some very weird (in a good way) friends that he can trust. He helps them out and they help him in "Sal and Gabi Break the Universe". This was a super awesome book and I would totally recommend it. I cannot wait for the sequel to come out!
I want to read this book!!