I hope all of you know he has the complete right to do this. Its not violating any copyright laws.

The Lightning Fart: A Parody of The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Book 1)
By Steve Lookner
...until he finds out he’s the son of a Greek god! And Percy’s father isn’t just any Greek god. He’s Pooseidon, God of Farts!
Percy’s life is totally transformed as he travels to Camp Half-Wit, where he’s trained to use his special farting powers. He’s going to need these powers, because he soon learns it’s up to him to save the universe by going on a quest to find Zeus’s stolen iPhone!
It’ll be a dangerous quest, but Percy will have company: Grover, a weird kid who thinks he’s a half-goat, and Annabeth, a super-hot girl who unfortunately doesn’t want to date Percy. Yet.
There’ll be loads of action and and tons of smelly farts as Percy’s quest proceeds to its exciting conclusion: a showdown in the Underworld with Hades himself!
The odds might be against Percy, but don’t give up hope, because he’ll have the ultimate weapon at his disposal: The Lightning Fart!
Can a fart really save the universe?
Find out...in this hilarious parody of the Percy Jackson books, THE LIGHTNING FART!
Book Reviews (27)
My first reaction to seeing this was - *facepalm* why? Just why? - Rick Riordan is my absolute favorite author and this is just...just...I don't even know what to say o_o I mean Percy Stinkson, Pooseidon, Zeus stolen iPhone!!?? Its just an annoying copy of an amazing series!
I know, RIGHT?!
This. Is. Ridiculous.
gets borin
Ok, this stinks. First of all, I'm a huge fan of Rick Riordan and I do not like his holy books being insulted this way. Second of all, this is a total copy. Yeah, I'm really offended and so mad. If I had the permission, I'd sue this Stinkin Steve. And I think this is an unofficial book, he'd need to get copyright from Rick Riordan.
Actually he dosen't need copyright permissions for Rick Riodran. There are many copyright laws that allow This author to make a book like this. The author clearly states this is a parody.
this is such an insult
OKAY percy jackson series are one of my favorite series and this book is an insult to Rick Riordan. The percy jackson series are the best and this is like an insult to posiden.(don't go into the water anytime soon)
That sounds lolish
I haven't read it but, I've read all but one of the percy jackson series, and this is the biggest insult of books I have EVER seen! Poosedon? Say you're sorry to Rick Riordan!
I agree! I haven't read it but it looks like an insult to Rick Riordan
You're one of my new favorite people, pupsrule11 .
This ruined the Percy Jackson series...I know this is a 'funny parody', but this just is terrible...