The Julian Chapter: A Wonder Story (Kindle Single)

The Julian Chapter: A Wonder Story (Kindle Single)

By R. J. Palacio

33 ratings 46 reviews 58 followers

Over 5 million people have read the #1 New York Times bestseller Wonder—the book that inspired the Choose Kind movementand have fallen in love with Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face.

From the very first day Auggie and Julian met in the pages of R. J. Palacio's life-changing book Wonder, it was clear they were never going to be friends, with Julian treating Auggie like he had the plague. And while Wonder told Auggie's story through six different viewpoints, Julian's perspective was never shared. Readers could only guess what he was thinking.

Until now. The Julian Chapter will finally reveal the bully's side of the story. Why is Julian so unkind to Auggie? And does he have a chance for redemption?
Publisher: book and beanstalk
Published on 12/2/2015
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (44)

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It's basically the same as Wonder. I wish R.J. Polacio had done some more twists in it.

I love the julian chapter because in the book julian is so mean to august but when his grandmother told him the story and said his name he was so shocked then all of a sudden he started standing up for august and being nice it was so touching

I would like to read this because my class has started to read wonder and it's pretty good! hopefully I will be able to read this book ! :)

This is such a perfect way to explain Julian's life! More amazing work by R.J. Palecio

Looks cool I will try to read it over the weekend and I will probably 100% like the book!!!!!!!! =(

Looks cool I read wonder with August as charecter

Is it just a chapter or is it a long book.

It's longer than the other chapters in the book but shorter than the book 'Wonder' itself

Puppy44 Puppy44

I also want to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):)::):):):

Want to read this. We never got Julian's point of view, so maybe we can't say he is super mean.

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