School of Fear

School of Fear

By Gitty Daneshvari

38 ratings 36 reviews 102 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grade 7n/a6.250692
Everyone is afraid of something...

Madeleine Masterson is deathly afraid of bugs, especially spiders.

Theodore Bartholomew is petrified of dying.

Lulu Punchalower is scared of confined spaces.

Garrison Feldman is terrified of deep water.

With very few options left, the parents of these four twelve year-olds send them to the highly elusive and exclusive School of Fear to help them overcome their phobias. But when their peculiar teacher, Mrs. Wellington, and her unconventional teaching methods turn out to be more frightening than even their fears, the foursome realize that this just may be the scariest summer of their lives.
Publisher: ATOM
ISBN-13: 9781907411663
ISBN-10: 1907411666
Published on 9/11/2012
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (33)

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At first before i got this book, i did not think i would gft it. But i love it so much that i have the whole seiries! Now i am always looking up phobias and figured out the name of both my phobias,emetophobia and masklo phobia! I am even writing my own school of fear now.

This book is cool 'cause I am afraid of all the things the characters in the story are afraid! I think this book is rad!!!

this book is CRAZY hilarious!any person would love readin this!