stars This book is amaazingg. Like,who doesnt want to fix their lives when they have a chance? This book make me realize that it's never too late too make a new version of us

By Gordon Korman
Chase doesn't remember falling off the roof. He doesn't remember hitting his head. He doesn't, in fact, remember anything. He wakes up in a hospital room and suddenly has to learn his whole life all over again . . . starting with his own name.
He knows he's Chase. But who is Chase? When he gets back to school, he sees that different kids have very different reactions to his return.
Some kids treat him like a hero. Some kids are clearly afraid of him.
One girl in particular is so angry with him that she pours her frozen yogurt on his head the first chance she gets.
Pretty soon, it's not only a question of who Chase is--it's a question of who he was . . . and who he's going to be.
From the #1 bestselling author of Swindle and Slacker, Restart is the spectacular story of a kid with a messy past who has to figure out what it means to get a clean start.
Book Reviews (79)
Who wouldn't want to forget a bad day ? Such a creative story that shows it is never too late to be a better version of you!
This was an amasing book. I recommend it to everyone.
Imagine forgetting everything you've ever known. Used-to-be bully Chase Ambrose is looking to change his ways. But people don't forget. Especially a girl named Shoshanna Weber, who's brother was embarrassed out of Hiawassee by his bullying. The situation gets worse when Chase joins the school video club! Most of the "geeks" are in it, and they are the one's Chase used to target! His friends Aaron and Bear think amnesia turned him into a geek, so they plan a prank that will look like HE has done it! I would say 9+, and an absolute must read. It is suspenseful, sad, and inspiring. Even a bad person has a good heart. 💖
Insightful. This book showed that everyone deserves a second chance. Even the school terrorist.
AWSOME book! You must read it!!
I read this book for a school project and it was soooo good. It really brings out the good in people and I think it's a great book for middle schoolers!
I love this book because it has the perfect amount of mystery.
this is a good book with a good message he turned something so bad into a positive situation and its so good so many plot twists and more its so good.
Chase doesn't remember falling off his roof, he gets amnesia and suddenly has to start his whole life over. Anybody would love to restart their lives, getting to recreate yourself! But not chase, Chase played football, had friends and, was popular. All he is trying to do is go back to that old life and remember it. But what he didn't know is that he used to be a jerk and a bully. Kids didn't like him for him, they were sorta forced to like him because they were afraid of him. Afraid to get bullied by Chase and his two friends, Aaron and Bear. He makes new friends when he joins the video club, he is nice now and he doesn't bully others, people start to actually like him for him. He realizes he doesn't want to be the old chase anymore. He's not gonna be the person that is mean and rude to other people. Or play pranks on them all the time. I'm not gonna tell you any more, you should go and read it! I love this book! It's so interesting and has a lot of sad and happy moments!