Restart by: Gordon Korman is a AMAZING book because it is about a boy that fell off his roof. He lost all of his memory so he needs to learn about his whole life. He learned his and family first. When he went back to school there are kids that treat him like a hero and some kids that is afraid of him. He is trying to fit in to bring back his memory, and why. I would recommend this book to kids, teenagers, and adults to read this book.

By Gordon Korman
Chase doesn't remember falling off the roof. He doesn't remember hitting his head. He doesn't, in fact, remember anything. He wakes up in a hospital room and suddenly has to learn his whole life all over again . . . starting with his own name.
He knows he's Chase. But who is Chase? When he gets back to school, he sees that different kids have very different reactions to his return.
Some kids treat him like a hero. Some kids are clearly afraid of him.
One girl in particular is so angry with him that she pours her frozen yogurt on his head the first chance she gets.
Pretty soon, it's not only a question of who Chase is--it's a question of who he was . . . and who he's going to be.
From the #1 bestselling author of Swindle and Slacker, Restart is the spectacular story of a kid with a messy past who has to figure out what it means to get a clean start.
Book Reviews (79)
Restart by: Gordan korman is awesome! the book is relatable and has a very engaging storyline. During reading the author provides enough description so you can navigate what is happening and has an awesome story. unlike other books, it takes turns sharing almost every character's perspective. The story is about a boy who falls off his roof and gets memory loss and his whole life changed.
I honestly believe that restart deserves to be in some sort of newsletter. I enjoyed when chase finds out who he used to be it's stunning that he did those things.Chase really needs to be more careful if you know what I mean. The only bad thing about it is that in some places the words are jumbled in just confusing blobs because of how big the words are (long hard to say words). I honestly believe just how well written it was and I hope gordon korman keeps on writing.
Amazing book! It has lots of activity and details not so long ago i read this, If i had to rate this id rate it a 5/5! thank u for such an amazing book gordon korman, I'm really surprised this book is not rated in 1st! cause its amazing,
Awesome, this book was so well written I am surprised this book isn't number 1
This book I finished just a few minutes ago and its AMAZING! It's about a boy called Chase who falls of his roof and gets Amnesia. He has forgotten every memory in the last 13 years and who he used to be. He gets one flashback of a girl with blonde hair and a blue dress. This book is written in many different perspectives and is very interesting
I am reading it currently!
I recommend this book to everyone. It is so inspiring.
I read this book in fourth grade as a read aloud. Ioved the book. I find it strange that after he lost his memory he completetly change his persinalty. But I find it nice that he changed . No one would like to bully him right