I highly enjoyed this book and thought it was well written. The content was very intense and the adventures they were going through made it interesting. I love a mystery, so when the eejits and clones came around I was interested. The one thing I could have been better written was that there was just a bunch of information and mystery in one chunk of the book then it would settle down and start back up again. Other than that, I loved the book. I never wanted to put it down.

House of the Scorpion
By Nancy Farmer
From the unique combination of the timelessness of an old and seemingly forgotten world deftly mixed with the futuristic reality of a brave new world comes a chilling tale of ethics and mortality that is thought provoking and macabre, and yet strangly fascinating...Is this the way of the future? Matt is six years old when he discovers that he is different from other children, from other people. To most people Matt isn't a boy, but a beast, dirty and disgusting. But to El Patron, lord of a country called Opium, Matt is the guarantee of eternal life. El Patron loves Matt as he loves himself - for Matt is himself. They share the same DNA. As Matt struggles to understand his existence and what that existence trully means, he is threatened by a host of sinister and manipulating characters, from El Patron's power-hungry family to the brain-deadened eejits and mindless slaves that toil Opium's poppy fields. Surrounded by a dangerous army of bodyguards, Matt longs for escape. But even escape is no guarantee of freedom because Matt is marked but his difference in ways that he doesn't even suspect.
Publisher: Pocket Childrens Books
ISBN-13: 9780689836879
ISBN-10: 0689836872
Published on 11/4/2002
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 308
Book Reviews (13)
Do u like books that r adventurest then u should read: The house of the scorpion, in my opinion, I don't really like it is kind of boring but it's an ok book not too good but if u want to read it that's on u ok but there is a bit of juice in the middle and end.
I LOVED this book. But the one thing I don't get is why everyone thinks clones are so nasty. It's not like he's a zombie[aka eejit]!!! I TOTALLY recomend this book to anyone who likes adventure.