I love this book!

By Raina Telgemeier
A true story from Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York
Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning author of
Smile, Sisters,
Drama, and Ghosts!
Raina wakes up one night with a terrible upset stomach. Her mom has one, too, so it's probably just a bug. Raina eventually returns to school, where she's dealing with the usual highs and lows: friends, not-friends, and classmates who think the school year is just one long gross-out session. It soon becomes clear that Raina's tummy trouble isn't going away... and it coincides with her worries about food, school, and changing friendships. What's going on?
Raina Telgemeier once again brings us a thoughtful, charming, and funny true story about growing up and gathering the courage to face -- and conquer -- her fears.
Book Reviews (725)
This books tells us about fourth grade Raina. She worries a lot, with school, bullies, puberty, and the thought of vomiting. Because of her worries she often gets stomach aches and feels sick. If anybody else can relate to this, this book is for you!
This book and all of Raina's other graphic novels are amazing!! I'm a huge fan of Raina Telgmeir!!
its a good book it made me cry a little lol
I really enjoyed reading this book
i Love the guts book evry day
I give the book 2 stars. 1) The begining is just..GROSS! Who wants to read about people throwing up? I mean, I get the point of the book. Stomach problems. I can realate. Not the point though. The point is that, worst book begining ever! 2) The part where Michelle makes fun of Raina after Raina and Jane's presentation. That was inappropriate and once again, gross. If you don't know what Im talking about, GOOD! (She says "Are you...a poopy diaper baby?") Very disappointing from this author. 3) The part in the book when one of the students is doing a LTI thing, he is doing it on "The Anatomy of a FART" GROSS!! And the drawing he had for it is pretty innapropriate! This book is not a good book for younger kids. Like, under 10. Otherwise, the book was okay. Pretty disappointed though.
Don't judge...because this was based on a true story! The author was just talking about the ways she was treated and everything that happened to her truthfully...5 star book!
I understand what you are trying to say but... it is not about stomach problems it is about how you need to be strong when you have uncomftable stuff in your way! I agree with EVERYTHING beeannie said.
Ok i get it is your opinion, honestly I love comics and graphic novels this a great book and I would love to get the collection 😍, but if you didn't notice on the first page it said "for anyone who feels afraid" so the author is trying to tell you that that once she was afraid and she want to share her feelings with us, so that everyone can share their feelings 😉. And not be afraid to share them. Sure it is gross but it tells you to stand up for yourself!
I am so sorry but I disagree with you. This book might be tiny bit gross for some people (I understand) but the author just wrote her true story to show the readers how it feels. How is it not good for under 10? My younger sister read it and she really loves this book. I recommend this book. I agree with bookgirlaa, and noiwantthecandy.
You need to chill. Raina can't control what happens in this TRUE STORY. I haven't read it yet, but I think it's going to be great.
I completly disagree with you .... sorry ! But most people like me love the book and this book is very relistic ! I understand it is a tiny bit gross but how can you say not for kids under 10 ?! My 5 yr old sister read it ! And loved and understood it . I agree with noiwantthecandy below .
I get why you don't like it. But not for kids under 10!?!? This book is literally the definition of kids. I showed my friends this book and they were laughing so hard I could barely hear them speaking.
Kind of good
A good read! Highly recommend!