I loved this book! Lemony snicket is one of my most favorite authors! The reptile room was so sad :(. I hated how Uncle Monty died. He was the only one who has been nice and the only one who has sincerely cared for them. I also like how sunny and The Incredibly deadly viper had a great and wholesome relationship. I want to cry because of the ending. It's really sad. I hope that the three Baudelaire children will find a new good home but I don't think that's going to be the case. I'm so happy and i'm excited to read the next book. In conclusion, I rate this book 5 stars because, it's really sad but it's also really enduring.

The Reptile Room (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
By Lemony Snicket
Book Reviews (6)
I have read the entire series and this is one of the best books in it in my opinion It's very deep and goes so far to be interesting and funny, even if something horrible is happening.
This book is really good, but I absolutely hate how he tell me things I already know!
The Baudelaires are still shaken from their experience with Count Olaf, but they are now sent to their Uncle Montgomery Montgomery (No that was not a mistake, that is his name), who is an extreme reptile enthusiast. He owns almost every mysterious and strange reptile known to man and woman, and if he doesn't, he has a book about it. He teaches the children all about them,and the children love it. They wonder if they could really have a safe and loving home. But then, a man who calls himself Stefano shows up at their door. The children know at once that it is Count Olaf. They may not have been able to save Uncle Monty, but maybe they can still manage to get out of Count Olaf's clutches.
The book is really interesting. Also very exciting
The poor children's uncle dies from evil count Olaf. Sad but a funny book.