Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the eight books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (8)
  • 13iamgroot
    13iamgrootalmost 5 years
    Hi, i'm new to dogo books, please follow me. Right now I am following applemango, beachbreeze14, and pizzabangirl9000. I love to read so much, let me know what your favorite book(s) are! Mine are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and the Hunger Games.
  • jaden07
    jaden07almost 5 years
    i came up with a cool slogan for any rick Riodran books . If its a Riodran book its a roaring book! Let me know what you think.
  • bunny84
    bunny84almost 5 years
    Please follow me ( I'm only 4 years old)
    • pizzagirl7
      pizzagirl7almost 5 years
      Wow!only 4 days left!
    • pizzbangirl9000
      pizzbangirl9000almost 5 years
      Hi guys I'm new to do go summer reading and all but I just wanted to post few questions 1)Will u follow me? 2)if you were told to shout out to somebody who would it be out of the top ten? 3)how old are u? 4)how long have u been on here for? 5)Will you give a shout out to @sylvie55555 @applemango and @zzayumi? 6)can u get ur avatars as close as you can by looking like he you do in real life? Thank you for answering!β™‘
      • inmemoryofcpr
        inmemoryofcpralmost 5 years
        1. If you follow me first ;) 2. @zzauymi, @mushroomcet, @applemango and @bookwormdude29 3. 6th grade 4. about 3 months 5. Of course! 6. I just changed my avatar so I don't plan to change it anytime soon. Maybe 2 weeks later.
        • ajg16
          ajg16almost 5 years
          1. Yes! 2. Do u mean on summer reading or anyone? 3. 3 years I think? or close to that. 4. Sure! 6. I'll go change it now. Thank you for the Q's!
          • sylvie55555
            sylvie55555almost 5 years
            Thank you so much @pizzbangirl9000!
            • editor
              editoralmost 5 years
              HI Slyvia55555 - Congrats on being one of the top ten reviewers. We need a parent consent form on file to ship the prizes - if we don't receive it by next week we will be sending the books to the next winner on the list,
            • shayshaygirl25
              shayshaygirl25almost 5 years
              shoutout for ccswishingstar and sylvie55555
            • shayshaygirl25
              shayshaygirl25almost 5 years
              1)If you follow me back!!! 2) @ccswishingstar or @sylvie55555 3)l0 4)about 2 months? 5)maybe!!! 6) mine looks like me without freckeles.
            • beachbreeze16
              beachbreeze16almost 5 years
              1. yup! 2. bookstory13, applemango, ajg16, and grapefruit 3. 9th grade 4. about 2 years 5. sure! 6. yup, that's my avatar now!
            • shayshaygirl25
              shayshaygirl25almost 5 years
              OMG!!! I just realized I got editors pick!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought this would happen!!!
            • ajg16
              ajg16almost 5 years
              Only 5 days left...! So sad it's almost over.
            • ccswishingstar
              ccswishingstaralmost 5 years
              I GOT MY FIRST EDITOR'S PICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
            • isabellagamerab
              isabellagamerabalmost 5 years
              Guys i changed my name again because jolia35 and abrawishinstar you guys arnt realy liking those names so i changed it to isabellagamerab
              • isabellagamerab
                isabellagamerabalmost 5 years
                Is there eneybody new yet? oh and i'm back from my trip to tazzy it's freezing but it's my new home

              Summer Reading 2019 has ended!

              May 14 - August 18, 2019
              Terms and Conditions

              Summer Reading 2019 Stats

              Books read:
              Books reviewed:
              Schools participating: