Summer Reading 2013 has ended!

KIDS - Read & Win Free Books !
How ? Its fun, easy & online.....

- Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
- Select books from Reading List 
- Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks 
- Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
- Do it again (till Prizes last)

* max of 20 books per entry

TEACHERS - Win Books for Schools
How ? Its easy, fun & engaging....

- Sign-up your Class & School 
- 10 schools with most reviews win 200 books
- Download details


Encourage young fans to read

- Download handout flyer
Reading List (87)
Prize List (100)
  • divyaolivia
    divyaoliviaalmost 11 years
    love you dogo books!!!!! I got my books they are awesomeeeeeeee!!!
    • borntoswim
      borntoswimalmost 11 years
      Thanks dogo books!!!!!!!!! I got my book in the mail yesterday!!!!! It is a really good book called "Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Reading". I even bought the next one from the series!!!!
      • bloomrocks10
        bloomrocks10almost 11 years
        we first write the review of the book then chose the prize we want?
        • ocelot
          ocelotalmost 11 years
          You have to send in the consent form, but if you already sent the consent form in, then you click add underneath a book then do a review for that book, once you get three books you can choose a book prize. The button "select" should be bright green.
        • ocelot
          ocelotalmost 11 years
          My home page says that I won 3 books, it also says that you didn't get my consent form, can I still get the books without the consent form? To Editor
          • editor
            editoralmost 11 years
            we have the form - it just hasn't been registered in the system - so keep reviewing and winning prizes -you will get all your books
        • ocelot
          ocelotalmost 11 years
          Editor, I emailed you my consent form, my home page says that you didn't get it, what should I do
          • maxmoe23
            maxmoe23almost 11 years
            I sent in more than 3 reviews and it doesn't say pending or approved like I heard it does. I don't know where to look for the pending or approved either so... Will I get notified that my reviews got approved?
            • editor
              editoralmost 11 years
              you will be notified on your summer reading stats page
              • maxmoe23
                maxmoe23almost 11 years
                How long does it take to get a review approved or disapproved?
                • ocelot
                  ocelotalmost 11 years
                  About an hour, at out-of-school-times. Other times, it might take a few hours or so.
                • maxmoe23
                  maxmoe23almost 11 years
                  Thank you!
              • mintshine
                mintshinealmost 11 years
                I really want to see matilda, the movie.
              • haleyastanton
                haleyastantonalmost 11 years
                I've already read Savvy, but I want to read it again because I remember really enjoying it. I want to read Matilda, because I thought the movie was awesome. :D
              • ocelot
                ocelotalmost 11 years
                editor, how do I know when you got my consent form
                • ocelot
                  ocelotalmost 11 years
                  you have to send in a consent form I think

                  Summer Reading 2013 has ended!

                  May 14 - September 14, 2013
                  Terms and Conditions

                  Summer Reading 2013 Stats

                  Books read:
                  Books reviewed:
                  Prizes won:
                  Schools participating:

                  Recent Members