I love it

Pokemon Visual Companion
By BradyGames
The perfect companion to the Pokémon animated series, the Pokémon™ Visual Companion is the follow-up to the highly regarded Pokémon® Visual Guide, complete with updated content covering new events and characters, as well as the Unova region! This entertaining and informative volume packs the Pokémon world between its covers, with amazing artwork, fascinating facts, and comical anecdotes. This is truly a must-have reference for every Pokémon fan, and is the ultimate reference to key characters, famous battles, and important places. Every region has been revised and updated, including new events, people, and Pokémon from Unova. You also meet Ash, trace his journey, and get to know his Pokémon, friends, and travel companions, as well as villains and rivals throughout the Pokémon world. This is the ultimate guide to the Pokémon animated series, guaranteed to delight any Pokémon fan!
Book Reviews (17)
I really want this book.Pokemone is really amazing.I have been hoping to read this book. I really wants this book
pokemon is epic!!!!!!!!!!! pika! thats right pikachu
My brother loves pokemon. He is obsessed. I might get him this for his birthday.
omgomgomg i love love loooovvvee pokemon sooooo much!!!!! I have a mega rayquaza ex its so awesome!!!!
I love Pokémon™ . I always love Pokémon™ . I REALLY LOVE Pokémon™ . If you don't like Pokémon™ , just try and watch it again on TV or something. Hope you will love Pokémon™ !
The perfect companion to the Pokémon animated series, the Pokémon™ Visual Companion is the follow-up to the highly regarded Pokémon® Visual Guide, complete with updated content covering new events and characters, as well as the Unova region! This entertaining and informative volume packs the Pokémon world between its covers, with amazing artwork, fascinating facts, and comical anecdotes. This is truly a must-have reference for every Pokémon fan, and is the ultimate reference to key characters, famous battles, and important places. Every region has been revised and updated, including new events, people, and Pokémon from Unova. You also meet Ash, trace his journey, and get to know his Pokémon, friends, and travel companions, as well as villains and rivals throughout the Pokémon world. This is the ultimate guide to the Pokémon animated series, guaranteed to delight any Pokémon fan!
Pokémon is awesome!!!!!!!
I am a pokemon master
I have megabluecharizard, megablatoiseex, megagardevorex, yvetalex, emolgaex, and tonight I am getting more. Follow me if u want me to tell you more cards I have I have like 2 binders full.