it is good no question.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Volume 2 (Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe a to Z)
By Marvel Comics
Continuing the most exciting and comprehensive Marvel handbook ever assembled! This twelve-volume guide to the Marvel Universe features more than 100 huge entries in each tome! This issue - from Blade to the Crooked World! Spotlighting people (Blink, Blob, Bullseye, Cable, Luke Cage, Cannonball, Captain America, Captain Britain, Captain Marvel, Carnage, Amadeus Cho, Citizen V, Colossus), teams (the Brotherhood, Circus of Crime), species (the Brood, Celestials), items (the Cosmic Cube) and more!
Publisher: Marvel
ISBN-13: 9780785158318
ISBN-10: 0785158316
Published on 12/14/2011
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256