It is a funny book.

My Big Boy Undies My Big Boy Undies
By Karen Katz
The creator of No Biting! celebrates the grand occasion when a toddler graduates from diapers to underpants with a proud toddler boy on the cover wearing undies in real fabric.
Title: My Big Boy Undies
Author: Katz, Karen
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Publication Date: 2012/02/02
Number of Pages:
Binding Type: HARDCOVER
Library of Congress: bl2012002733
Title: My Big Boy Undies
Author: Katz, Karen
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Publication Date: 2012/02/02
Number of Pages:
Binding Type: HARDCOVER
Library of Congress: bl2012002733
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
ISBN-13: 9780448457055
ISBN-10: 0448457059
Published on 2/2/2012
Binding: Hardcover