it is a good book Captain Cook is a boy and then they get a girl penguin,Greta.That is have 10 baby penguin then they perform and Mr.Popper goes to jail. Sorry to spoil!

Mr. Popper's Penguins
By Richard and Florence Atwater
Traditional Chinese edition of the humorous classic "Mr. Poppers Penguins," a 1939 Newbery Honor winner by Richard & Florence Atwater. The book is a long running bestseller and reprinted many times. It is also a inaugural Lewis Carroll Shelf Award books.
Book Reviews (6)
Awesome book and awesome movie !I like this book because i love penguins and i love to read!
to me this is a classic when mr. popper gets a present from his hero in antartica and you'd never guess what it was ill give you a hint its in the title ... a penguin they name this penguin captin cook but when they found out that captain cook was a girl they ended up with 8 more penguins. Then they start performing. I reccomend it to all readers especally if you just finished the twilight saga series and need to get over it ending and some one illegaly put midnight sun on the internet this book is good for you
the book is nothing like the movie, in the movie i like i mean love Nimrood he tells my whole life!!!
i like this book because things get out of control alot. Also, i think the family is lucky but also unlucky, cuz they have cute little penguins, but the food they need costs alot. you should get this book
i love this book because it is interesting and it is exiting. Janie and Bill is sooooooo lucky. i want a penguin as a pet.
me to i want a penguin !!!!!