I love hard games but it just fun not hard

Minecraft: Redstone Handbook: An Official Mojang Book
By Scholastic
It's time to wire up and get connected to one of the most complex areas of Minecraft--Redstone. Redstone experts guide you through all aspects of working with Redstone including mining, smelting, using repeaters, circuit components and circuit designs. This handbook also includes exclusive tips from game creator Notch himself and some of the most extraordinary Redstone creations ever made. So power up and get switched on to Redstone--it's electrifying!
Book Reviews (103)
I don’t really know everything about red-stone so cool
This is literally the best the best book About Redstone ever
this is great! now i know my redstones!
Want to actually understand redstone? Check out this Minecraft Redstone Handbook! It teaches beginners the essentials like - the ore, dust, torch & reoeater. How to make simple things like lights for your house. Kinda hard,, cannons, deluxe lighting systems. Also for a little Redstone inspiration it shows what some YouTubers have made like elevators, clocks, and fun games! Check this book out of your just learning how to use Redstone or if you just need a refresher. Recommended to 11+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews
This book is really good and can help you survive all the mob's in your Minecraft world, although I don't play Minecraft anymore. or all that are new to the world of Minecraft, I recommend this book to you, and the other friendly guides.
This book gives you simple instructions from making cool lights for your house - to weapons for protecting your home from crazy zombies & skeletons. It also shows what some people have used Redstone for - like making a 14-story elevator! This is a good book if you play Minecraft and you are clueless with anything to do with Redstone (like me) Thanks for reading - Ajg15's Reviews
its a good book for red stone building :) AMAZING but kinda hard to follow
it helped me