I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World (Young Readers Edition)

I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World (Young Readers Edition)

By Malala Yousafzai

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The bestselling memoir by Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai.

I Am Malala. This is my story.

Malala Yousafzai was only ten years old when the Taliban took control of her region. They said music was a crime. They said women weren't allowed to go to the market. They said girls couldn't go to school.

Raised in a once-peaceful area of Pakistan transformed by terrorism, Malala was taught to stand up for what she believes. So she fought for her right to be educated. And on October 9, 2012, she nearly lost her life for the cause: She was shot point-blank while riding the bus on her way home from school.

No one expected her to survive.

Now Malala is an international symbol of peaceful protest and the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. In this Young Readers Edition of her bestselling memoir, which has been reimagined specifically for a younger audience and includes exclusive photos and material, we hear firsthand the remarkable story of a girl who knew from a young age that she wanted to change the world -- and did.

Malala's powerful story will open your eyes to another world and will make you believe in hope, truth, miracles and the possibility that one person -- one young person -- can inspire change in her community and beyond.

Publisher: Thorndike Press Large Print
ISBN-13: 9781410499165
ISBN-10: 1410499162
Published on 3/8/2017
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 302

Book Reviews (31)

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This is an amazing book!๐Ÿ˜ Malala yousfatsi is such an inspiring women. She had a hard life and worked through it. In this book you will learn about the challenges and little memories that make Malala who she is. One thing I like about her is she does not act like she is famous. She knows she is just a normal,regular person and she is very kind. I definitely recommend it, but if your younger than 8, some of the violence and the Taliban might scare you. In the book you also learn about a story of recovery. Overall, so far I think this book is really inspiring me and making me want to be an upstander more.

This is a must read book, because it talks about a girl named Malala Yousafzai, and about the life she lived in Pakistan and all the problems she faced growing up, especially when she got shot at age 16, but was not scared. She won the Noble Peace Prize. This is why you should read this book.

This book is all about a girl who gets shunned by everyone just because of her gender. She plans to change things, but a new threat comes to her home land of Pakistan. It is a clan called the Taliban, and they will stop at nothing to attack women. Malala stands for what is right, but a terrible event happened. Malala finds herself in England, where she continues to live, fighting for women's rights.

I loved this book so much! It's definitely my favorite book of all time no questions asked! Malala is my hero. She stood up for girl's rights and education because all girls deserve it. Boys are NOT better! We deserve more than we do now. Malala never stopped fighting, even when she knew she had a risk for getting shot. When she did get shot, nothing really stopped her from fighting. I loved this book, and everyone probably will too!!!!!!!

this is a vey good book. it shows how women can be strong and clearly she proved us that we are capable of that. women are strong and they could do whatever they want ( unless it is against the law).

Malala is such a brave and encouraging figure you sometimes forget it is a true story. Her passion for equal education for girls is really amazing, and this book is all about her journey fighting the Taliban with education.

I am Malala was such an inspiring story. Malala Yousafzai talked about how she was treated differently because she wanted to learn and to to school (!) When I read that she got shot on a normal day of coming home from school I was upset & mad that this happened to a normal girl wanting to go to school. They people who shot her were hoping she would back down.. But they were wrong. When didn't stop - it didn't quiet her - she continued and spoke louder then ever and showed the entire world how strong and brave she really is. A truly amazing and inspiring book I loved it so much. This book teaches you to stand up for what you believe in! Recommended 13+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

Panda_Warrior32 Panda_Warrior32

i understand, since i am a girl i think this will inspire other girls that it is not to late to change the world ^_^

NinjaKat123 NinjaKat123

This book is very inspiring, malala sounds like a very wonderful, i hope i can learn about her soon or later...but since this is a VERY beutiful tale, i will read the book. And learn more about this wonderful teen.

"I Am Malala" is a 193-page autobiography by Malala Yousafzai with Patricia McCormick. This book is non-fiction, and the pictures are from Malala. In this attention-grabbing book, Malala Yousafzai faces challenges as she stands up to the Taliban, a terrorist gang, and goes through a hard war of the Taliban versus the Pakistani Army. Malala learns to overcome these challenges, and finds her voice as she campaigns for girls' rights. But will she be able to use it to help out the world? In this book, the reader learns to never give up, no matter what sort of impediments may get in their way. For example, Malala shows relentless determination through her hard work with her campaign for girls' rights. While doing this, she overcomes challenges that most Americans wouldn't even be able to imagine. You should follow Malala's lead because Malala pushed through her challenges. By never giving up, she raised the hopes and voices of Many. This book is about courage, determination, and always trying again. I would love to recommend this book, because it is full of inspiring action, and is very entertaining. It helps you understand what other countries are going through, and that knowledge can be very useful. All in all, I would say this is an exciting read that would leave many surprised, inspired, influenced, and with more knowledge about the outside world. Also, if there was one thing I could ask Malala, it would be, "What made you keep fighting for your rights? Was it the want for a better country, helping friends and family, or something else?" I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys action, courageous people, and a good story, because this book provides it all!

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