this is an amazing book!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Book Reviews (4)
in my opinion, it;s the best book in the series
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone By: J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter is a fantasy book. Harry Potter is technically a boy who lived he got struck by Voldemort when he was a baby and got a lightning bolt scar. Harry has to get sent to his aunt and uncle’s house and they hate him. He goes to Hogwarts after he learns he is a wizard. He fights trolls, gets caught and loses points, tries to get past a three headed dog, and becomes the youngest quidditch team. The characters are Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry Potter to me would probably be 5 stars because he goes on such a crazy terrifying scary quest to find the Sorcerer's Stone. I think people who want a challenge on this series should read it. I loved the book and I liked how Ron wanted to be house cup champion. Samara Gist
This book is about a boy who is a wizard and who does not know yet. His parents were killed by Voldemort (dArk lord) and he was the only one that survived the massacre. He has been invited to Hogwarts. This book is great.