Explorer Academy: The Tiger's Nest (Book 5)

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Explorer Academy: The Tiger's Nest (Book 5)

By Trudi Trueit


Sponsored by:
National Geographic Children's Books
Giveaway dates:
December 12 - February 26, 2021
Copies available:
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Giveaway Winners
  • itsxvirgo
    itsxvirgoabout 4 years
    Why i want this book is because, I love to read it's one of my favorite hobby's and I love to read books about animals:) I would love to read this and it will be something for me to keep busy! Good luck everyone!!
    • chloe1103
      chloe1103about 4 years
      I would like to truly win this book. Because I admire the Explorer Academy series, and I didn't read this book yet. My brother and I keep staying up late, reading the explorer academy. It is a really excellent and adventurous book! I would like to win this book and read it with my brother. Please let me win. And I just wanted to say thank you for who programmed this giveaway. They used their money to help us read! Thank you so much :)
      • 100letters
        100lettersabout 4 years
        I would love to win this book because the premises sound action-packed, suspenseful, and very interesting. The cover looks awesome, the title seems mysterious (I love mysteries!) and the plot, like with all the other Explorer Academy books, will probably suck you in and have you tearing through the book. I really like books like this, and I am an avid fan of the Explorer Academy series. DOGO books is such an amazing site--I absolutely LOVE their free giveaways! So I really want to win this book! P.S: Good luck, everyone!
        • lovemypetsyoual
          lovemypetsyoualabout 4 years
          i would love to win p.s if u dont with it's fine anyway i want to win because i want to give this book to my brother. my brother loves these books and he just got sergury a day ago and he is still very weak also because his birthday is comming up and this book can be his gift :>
          • bookfan123
            bookfan123about 4 years
            I read the books before this series and they are amazing. I would like to win this book so I can continue reading this series and enjoy.
            • bluedragon1
              bluedragon1about 4 years
              Yet another amazing book! Just the cover has me dying to read this. I have never read the explorer academy series and winning would give me a solid reason to read it! I have heard off the series from friends who said it was a highly recommended book. Even the school librarian as mentioned it! I will definitely read this series wether i win or not. Cant wait for the library to get it! I would love to have another amazing book to add to my bookshelf. Thank you National Geographic’s! And many, many thanks to DOGO. Good luck to the other contestants!
              • ey2020
                ey2020about 4 years
                A few months ago, I was graciously given the third book in the Explorer Academy series and discovered that it was quite an adventurous and thrilling book to read. I hope that I would be given the 5th book in this series to find out what happens next as the Explorer Academy story plot reveals itself in this book. Thank you for making this opportunity happen!
                • galaxyninja
                  galaxyninjaabout 4 years
                  I think I should win because it looks like a really good book and I want some new books and i could give it to my Friend for her birth Day
                  • bookfan123
                    bookfan123about 4 years
                    Explorer Academy is one of those "Wow" series. I have read all the books in the series that I could read, and if there is a giveaway for the same book, I can not resist it. If you are reading this, please consider me a winner for this amazing book. I absolutely loved the series, and I can not wait to read another book of it. Trudi Treit is such a good author, and I want to add another of her books to my collection. Good luck to everyone, and thank you for this giveaway.
                    • fosterkeefe
                      fosterkeefeabout 4 years
                      I hope to win this book because it sounds so interesting but I loved the first couple fo books so I know I'll love this one too! Thanks DOGO!
                      • lucky_jean
                        lucky_jeanabout 4 years
                        This book is so interesting . I really like these books which includes science and mystery exploring , I really want to win this book. I 've read this book a bit, but it seems really fun.

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                        1. This Free Book giveaway is open to all iDOGO account holders in the US, except where prohibited by law. YOU MAY ONLY ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY ONLINE, NO OTHER METHOD OF ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED.
                        2. If the number of readers interested in the book exceeds the number of copies available, winners will be picked solely at the discretion of DOGObooks.
                        3. No purchase necessary. Only one entry is allowed per household. Ages 15 and under, and a legal resident of the US.
                        4. The book publisher is the sponsor of this giveaway and is responsible for shipment of books to winners.
                        5. You are not required to review the book if you win a copy. However, you are encouraged to do so.
                        6. Winners will be notified by email. Note that in order to be considered for a giveaway entrants must have their parent or legal guardian complete, sign, and return the Parental Consent Form.
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