I LOVE DOCTOR WHO!! what season is everyone on. I am on season 4 and I love it so far!! The most creepy in my opinion is the gas mask zombies.

Doctor Who: Winner Takes All
By Jacqueline Rayner
Book Reviews (6)
Perfect for any doctor who fan!
i love doctor who
is there sillthens in it and dlakes
This is a FANTASTIC book and will create a movie in your head. If you haven't seen the hit BBC show "Doctor Who" then I wouldn't recommend this book because it's set in-between episodes. This story will make you cry, be in suspense, laugh, and just relax. The ending is extremely good and even though it may not make much sense just go with it. It's time wimey stuff. There is love, hope, and pain. People getting captured and saved. But above all else, it's all good in the end.
I'm reading this, and I'm on chapter 3. This book is amazing!!!!!!! Sorry I can't tell you what it's about though, SPOILERS! It has 21 chapters just to let you know. I'm in 7th grade and I like reading, so this is a good book if you like mystery, action, adventure, love, and sadness, mixed with happiness. Allons-Y!