It is the best game im at arena 10

Clash Royale
By Aasa Seroa
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Book Reviews (7)
When I first played this game I thought it was hard. But it really is not then you can a good strategy. That's coming from a lvl 11 in Hog Arena.
I'm level 9, 3 legendaries and one is level 2.In arena 8 love this game!
I love this game. I do not have any legendarys yet because I just got to arena 4. But my best guys is the big P.E.K.K.A. and the giant skeloton. I hope i get a legendary this week. If anyone knows a cheat to get lengendarys please tell me because I need to beat my cousin and he has 2 legendarys!!!!!
I'M sooo good at the game level 8
i really love this game just yesterday i got to pekkas play house ind i have a hog rider super cool game i also have clash of clans i have level seven barracks so cool it's really addicting game i love those two games their both on my phone it's really fun/cool game
im really into clash royale! im glad that supercell made this game and it looks great!