Captain Amadeus: The Heritage of Immortals

Captain Amadeus: The Heritage of Immortals

By John Pavlick

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Being immortal is not easy when you realize everything you love will decay and die while you endure until the end of time. Such is the lesson Captain Amadeus learned before he ran away from home to explore the universe and its vastness. This first in a series of books chronicle all the adventures that would make Amadeus’s name legendary for all eternity when even other heroes would be forgotten with time. His travels through space sometimes bring him to calm and peaceful places while other travels drop the fate of the universe on his shoulders. Some adventures are lighthearted and whimsical, while others test Amadeus’s endurance against the worst horrors imaginable. But aimed specifically at adults with the hearts of children, every last adventure promises to be an imaginative experience one after the other. In The Heritage of Immortals, Captain Amadeus and his sidekick, Samantha, find themselves summoned to answer the threat of war. The greatest threat in all the cosmos is the return of the Neilson Family who nearly conquered all the universe nine years ago in a brutal campaign. After disappearing following their defeat, they’ve finally returned and even Amadeus worries he is powerless to stop their might like he did once before. But also being revealed is a memory (told as a separate story) regarding the ‘real’ reason Captain Amadeus ran away from home as well as the terrible secret only he has been allowed to carry.
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 9781481890120
ISBN-10: 1481890123
Published on 3/3/2013
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 200

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