wow bread winners there ducks i hate them

Breadwinners #1: 'Journey to the Bottom of the Seats'
By Stefan Petrucha
Do you like riDUCKulous adventures? SwaySway and Buhdeuce are a couple of super cool Breadwinners with a love for all loaves! These two quazy ducks fly a rocket van from the west to the yeast of Pondgea, making sure everyone gets some bread up in their beak. Yip-yip!
Even though they're always working, these ducks make sure to have 24/7 fun. They have to watch their tails, though... there are monsters with three butt-cheeks around EVERY corner.
Most importantly, these ducks deliver all the loaves with no leftovers! Just remember: no matter the challenge, no matter what, they always deliver and never give up! Hold on to your tail feathers and get ready for some QUAZY adventures.
Publisher: Papercutz
ISBN-13: 9781629913018
ISBN-10: 1629913014
Published on 11/24/2015
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 56