Hey guys!! Book series recommendations for fellow fantasy readers!! If you haven't read the Merlin Series and the Song of the Lioness Series (Aka, the Alanna of Trebond Series), I definitely recommend reading them. Also, I know I don't do a ton of book reviews, but I promise, I do read a lot.
National Geographic Kids Book Club
Wanna know everything about everything? Then you need the National Geographic Kids Almanac! This latest edition is packed with incredible photos, tons of fun facts, crafts, activities, and fascinating features about animals, science, nature, technology, conservation, and more.
New Books (12 books)
More Fun Books (12 books)
Comments (10822)
@beachbreeze16 (old user) also used to recommend the Merlin Series a lot too. I never got around to reading it lol 😅 but it's definitely on my TBR
I remember sometime in 2024, I had shared a 'quote' I made and everyone said they'd like to hear more of mine, so here! "Galaxies are endless, why not possibilities?"
Quiz time! 1.what is you favorite sweet? 2.what character do you like most?3.what is your favorite book? My answers:1.icecream2.cinamoroll3.Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
Hi guys! I just joined the book club
Welcome!!!! ;)
Hi! Welcome!
Hi! Welcome to the book club! To get to know you, here are some questions. What is your favourite colour? Fav food? What about fav song? My answers are Ice Blue, Ramen, and Tipsy
My favourite color is dusty blue, I don't have a FAVOURITE food, but I really like cheeseburgers, my favourite song right now, is Country Roads (Take me Home).
My fav color: turquoise, fav food: curry rice, fav song: The Final Countdown by Europe(My older sis and I love rock! )
Mine used to be turquoise (fun fact: my birthstone), but then it switched to dusty blue.
Hi boba books! I am new too! My answers are 1. Lavender 2.hmmm... I think I would say pasta, salmon, and broccoli,but I also love sushi. Last I would say sullen girl by Fiona apple.
Lavender is such a calm color. <3
Nice to meet you! As you know we can chat, and follow other people! You might have to pay money to read the books, but you can win freebies! Good luck!
Heyyy, welcome to the club!
hey hey! How are you guys?