How has everyone's Thanksgiving Break been?!!
National Geographic Kids Book Club
Did you know that the axolotl can regrow nearly any body part? Or that the hagfish can fill a bucket with slime in less than a minute? Get ready to say “WHOA!” in this wacky book about the most bizarre animals in the world!
Encounter hundreds of far-out facts about animals with bizarre behaviors, strange superpowers, and mind-blowing mannerisms. Learn where these animals live, how their strange skill sets help them survive, and what makes them so wonderfully weird.
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Comments (10841)
I wish! We don't get any, in fact here people don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Unlike @techfashion0315 I feel like school is my home away from home (not in a good way), so I absolutely can't wait for winter break.
People there don’t celebrate thanksgiving?!?!?
Noo, it's different here, a bummer actually, but it is what it is (and you don't throw a fit, lol)
Oh my word, I needed that break! It was nice to just relax and not worry about deadlines or essays. How about yours?
This week's quote: “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” - George Augustus Moore...I hope you all has a great Thanksgiving! Have an ✨amazing✨ rest of your week! 💛
Awesome! Have a great week too!
Thank you!
Hey everyone! quick question, what is your favorite movie group( Marvel, Star Wars, and Lord Of The Rings are mine.)
Ohh, Marvel for sure. (Iron Man, Black Panther, Guardians of The Galaxy, and The Avengers are my top choice!)
Ummm, I would say probably Disney
Thank you all for 50 followers!!!
What is your favorite video game(s)? Mine are Fortnite, Call Of Duty, and Jedi Survivor. Have a good day. 👍
Mine are probably Animal Crossing and Super Marion 3D world
Ahhh so many favorite video games! I love Minecraft and Fort it's but my top favorite is probably Hogwarts Legacy or Animal Crossing. 😁
I know. Those are just my go to games. There are so many good games to play!
I mostly just play Minecraft and random Nintendo games (Mario cart, Smash bros, etc.
I don't play video games but the rare times I do (usually on a Wii), I love playing Mario Carts!
I haven't played video games in a while, but I play mostly Roblox (i.e. survival games, stories, obbies, and rps), sometimes Minecraft. :) I also used to be a Genshin kid 😅
Tbh, I currently don't play any video games, but I used to love Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Roblox (roblox Bed Wars for the win)