Other than Robin Hood, Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairytale. I've read Snow, since I also love Snow White, and it was amazing. I wish that they made a Robin Hood in this series, but I've heard that there is a series about his daughter or something like that. Plus, there is a Jack in the Beanstalk and a snow queen book in this series, which are some of my other favorite fairytales. I like that they take our childhood stories and turn them into young adult romances. They are awesome, so I'm pumped to read it.

Belle: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast (Once Upon a Time) Belle
By Cameron Dokey
Belle is convinced she has the wrong name, as she lacks her sisters' awe-inspiring beauty. So she withdraws from society, devoting her time to wood carving. Secretly, Belle longs to find the fabled Heartwood Tree. If carved by the right hands, the Heartwood will reveal the face of one's true love.
During a fierce storm, Belle's father stumbles upon the mysterious Heartwood -- and encounters a terrifying and lonely Beast. Now Belle must carve the Heartwood to save her father, and learn to see not with the eyes of her mind, but with the eyes of her heart.
During a fierce storm, Belle's father stumbles upon the mysterious Heartwood -- and encounters a terrifying and lonely Beast. Now Belle must carve the Heartwood to save her father, and learn to see not with the eyes of her mind, but with the eyes of her heart.
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 204