Super Tuesday Results Suggest A Joe Biden And Donald Trump Rematch In November Elections

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Donald Trump and President Joe Biden may face each other again during the presidential elections (Credit: Gage Skidmore/ adapted by Emma Kaden/ CC-BY-SA-2.0/ Flickr)

March 5, 2024, was Super Tuesday. It was the day when 16 American states held primary elections and caucuses. This all-important day is crucial for US presidential hopefuls because front-runners frequently receive their respective political party's nomination.

For the Republican Party, Donald Trump led the pack with a resounding win in 15 of the 16 states. Only Vermont voted for his competitor, Nikki Haley. As a result, on March 6, 2024, the former South Carolina governor announced that she was suspending her presidential campaign.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden solidified his position as the most likely Democratic nominee by winning in all 16 states. His opponent, Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips, followed Haley's lead and withdrew from the presidential race on March 6, 2024.

The path to the US presidency (Credit: Public Domain)

Winning the citizen vote is important. But there is more needed to clinch the presidential nomination. The candidates also have to get the votes of the delegates. These are people selected to represent voters at the party's respective conventions, which will be held later this year. For Republicans, the magic number is 1,215 delegates, while for Democrats, it is 1,967 delegates.

So far, Donald Trump has garnered 1,005 of the 1,215 delegates he needs to be nominated. President Joe Biden has 1,506 of the 1,967 votes required to clinch the ticket.

Hence, barring any unforeseen event, a rematch between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump at the November 5, 2024, presidential elections appears highly likely. Stay tuned!



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