MIT Researchers Uncover How Hair Strands Can Dull Even The Sharpest Of Blades

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MIT researchers were curious how soft human hair dull sharp razor blades so effectively (Credit:

Human hair is about 50 times softer than a razor blade, which is made using heat-hardened stainless steel and often reinforced with diamond-like carbon. Yet, a few wisps of hair are powerful enough to dull a blade's sharpness within a few weeks of use. To understand how this impressive feat occurs, a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) decided to take a closer look at what happens when the sharp edge of a blade slices through human hair.

"We are metallurgists and want to learn what governs the deformation of metals so that we can make better metals," Cem Tasan, a professor of material science at MIT, says. "In this case, it was intriguing that, if you cut something very soft, like human hair, with something very hard, like steel, the hard material would fail."

The team, which included graduate student Gianluca Roscioli, devised a string of experiments to keep track of the rate at which a razor blade deteriorated after each consecutive shave. The scientists found that when the blade was placed perpendicular to the hair, it sustained no damage. However, if the hair was cut at an angle, even a single strand could chip the edge of the razor blade. Once the initial crack formed, the blade became increasingly vulnerable to further chipping, accelerating its dulling. Another contributing factor was the uniformity of the microstructure of the steel from which the blade was made. Even slight imperfections could cause the blade to crack when it came in contact with the hair.

The team conducted a series of shaving experiments to observe the razor blade's condition after each use (Credit: Gianluca Roscioli/MIT. EDU)

"Our initial thought was that this was a wear problem, that material was being removed from the razor," Tasan says. "We were expecting to see that over time the blade gets rounder and rounder. We didn't see it." Instead, he continues, "We saw fracturing and chipping of the blade that is forming this C-shaped crack."

The MIT scientists, who published the findings in the journal Science on August 6, 2020, hope to conduct further research to help them to develop longer-lasting blades. They have even filed for a patent for a new manufacturing process to make razor blades harder by compressing the metal instead of heating and sharpening it, as is currently the norm. Though more expensive than conventional blades, the durable models would prove economical in the long run and also be better for the environment since fewer would be tossed in the trash. "I really believe we can build a better blade," Roscioli says.

While the study was conducted on razor blades, the researchers believe the findings could be helpful in not only creating better knives, but also retaining the sharpness of the ones you currently have. Their advice? When slicing vegetables, cut straight down instead of at an angle!

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  • lovetoread26
    lovetoread26over 4 years
    That’s so weird!🤪
    • bookfan2009
      bookfan2009over 4 years
      That's cool! We are doing 5th grade current events presantions at school for Social studies! My teacher is recomending DOGO for a website to pick a event from! Does anyone have a recomendation?
      • bookfan2009
        bookfan2009over 4 years
        Thank you guys all so much for answering!! i really like all your ideas!!!
        • roxanne3
          roxanne3over 4 years
          I did current events in 6th grade, and I used DOGO for all of them!!!! It's a great website :)
        • bsc
          bscover 4 years
          Whoa, no way! In social studies I also have to do current events and I'm in 5th grade!
        • sokeefe_forever
          sokeefe_foreverover 4 years
          Maybe "Teen "Archeologists" Unearth 1,100-Year-Old Gold Coins At Dig Site In Israel" or Nine Year Old Kenyan Boy Builds Hand Sanitizing Station To Help Fight COVID-19. I'm in tenth grade, but I'm ahead 2 grades for my age 😉. Good luck!!!! I hope you get an A+!
          • bookfan2009
            bookfan2009over 4 years
            Wow, thank you ukeleforjesus!! i"m strongly considering the coin thing in isreal! Good luck to you too!!
            • sokeefe_forever
              sokeefe_foreverover 4 years
              You are so welcome and I am homeschooled so I never had to do a project like this but I do know that I have to right 1 essay a week, I hope you have fun!
          • jad123
            jad123over 4 years
            im also in fifth grade but i dont have do that.
          • jad123
            jad123over 4 years
            yes, try the 9/11 article, its sad but interesting. Also, hope you get a good grade!
            • watermelon111
              watermelon111over 4 years
              It's such a sad story, but kinda entertaining!
              • bookfan2009
                bookfan2009over 4 years
                Thanks watermelon11 and jad123! it"s a bit of a sad story but i'll check it out!
                • jad123
                  jad123over 4 years
                  no problem i just like helping people and helping them get a good grade.
            • skilledfox073
              skilledfox073over 4 years
              I do! Look for a article called "Meet Hulk, the German Shepard puppy born with a lime green coat." Its really interesting.
            • purple_peach744
              purple_peach744over 4 years
              I am in 5th grade too! Hmmm. I would probably recommend some articles from this month about science. Or maybe the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg?
          • sokeefe_forever
            sokeefe_foreverover 4 years
            No wonder we have to buy new hair cutting scissors/Clippers so often!😂 that is crazy how hair so soft can break down metal! I wonder how long the average pair of household hair cutting scissors last.
            • 100letters
              100lettersover 4 years
              That is amazing!
              • seajay
                seajayover 4 years
                • sky_dragon
                  sky_dragonover 4 years
                  Really?Its strange!I did not know this!And also great advice about how to cut vegetables!:)
                  • batman623
                    batman623over 4 years
                    We have hulk hair! Lol
                  • starlight_gem
                    starlight_gemover 4 years
                    Strange, but kind-of cool.
                    • wolfy_blue
                      wolfy_blueover 4 years
                      o wow,how is that even possible?
                      • tacticalfieryy
                        tacticalfieryyover 4 years
                        Lol that is funny 😆