Are You A Cat Whisperer?

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Cats' facial emotions are harder to read than those of dogs (Credit:

While dogs openly demonstrate joy or displeasure through grins and grimaces, discerning a cat's emotions from its face is often hard, even for its owners. Now, researchers from Canada's University of Guelph assert that stoic as they may appear, cats also express emotions on their faces — one just has to learn how to interpret them!

For their study, Professors Lee Niel and Georgia Mason recruited 6,300 people from 85 countries. The participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire and watch 20 short cat videos, obtained mostly from YouTube. Each clip highlighted just the cat’s face — its eyes, muzzle, and mouth — and gave no clues to its surroundings or circumstances. The viewers did not have to determine the cat's exact emotion, but just decide whether it was in a positive state, a negative state, or if they were unsure.

Study participants were only shown the cats' faces from a series of short video clips (Credit:

The researchers, who published their findings in the November 2019 issue of Animal Welfare, found that only 13 percent, or 819 participants, were able to read the cats' emotions accurately over 75 percent of the time. Further research showed that the so-called "cat whisperers" were primarily women and veterinarians or vet technicians. Younger adults also seemed to be able to read the expressions better than older individuals.

"The fact that women generally scored better than men is consistent with previous research that has shown that women appear to be better at decoding non-verbal displays of emotion, both in humans and dogs," said Mason. Surprisingly, being a cat owner did not help study participants, indicating that a strong attachment to the animal did not necessarily mean better understanding of its emotions.

Inscrutable as they may be, cats' expressions can be learned over time ( Credit:

Fortunately, all is not lost for cat owners who are unable to tell their pet's moods. The researchers believe the skills are not innate but learned over time, which explains why veterinary staff scored high in the study. "This is important to be able to do because it could help strengthen the bond between owners and cats, and so improve cat care and welfare," said Niel.

To find out if you have what it takes to be a "cat whisperer," take the fun, interactive catfaces quiz created by the study's researchers.



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  • monicaflores
    monicafloresabout 2 years
    Cats are the most loyalest pets ever!!!
  • ruhee204505
    ruhee204505about 2 years
    I am a cat whisperer because for some reason when I was born, I could understand what cats are saying. I have this cat named Lucy and I could understand her and she could understand me when I talk to her.
  • wamapisypuje
    wamapisypujeabout 2 years
    My cats are the most cutest!
    • ilovedogg
      ilovedoggabout 2 years
      We've had like 20 stray cats come up to our house and we took care of every one of them and I could always make them happy
    • andreagarsia
      andreagarsiaover 2 years
      ay love cats
      • lewislyd
        lewislydover 2 years
        You love cats (like)!
        • allicat12
          allicat12over 2 years
          I love cats and I have two of my own. pumpkin and nugget. pumpkin is a very chunky cat.
          • samue
            samueover 2 years
            I wish I had a cat because it's so cute but I have two gerbels named zoe & zelda. They are bery cute to. I expecially wish I had a very fat cat cause they are so chubby and cute.
            • fallpumpkin
              fallpumpkinover 2 years
              My cat does not meow much but he is a REALLY nice cat he won't bite or scratch you he is very calm and whenever he lays on my lap he purrs so LOUD.😍🐱
              • lunarkitti
                lunarkittiover 2 years
                I'm definitely a cat whisperer, my cat pepper will walk into my room and meow at me and we'll moew to each other for a while, it's so cute!
              • majestic_tiger1
                majestic_tiger1over 2 years
                I know same my grandmas cat meows at me when I come in the room its so cute