North Carolina Dog Walks Himself To Doggy Daycare To Be With Friends

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Photo Credit: Tonia Bowman Mosteller via Facebook

Most dogs hate being dropped off at daycare — Not Riley! In fact, the five-year-old golden retriever, who lives in Belmont, North Carolina, loves being at the Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique so much that he recently decided to pay the center a visit all by himself.

The chain of events began on May 6 when his owner, Tonia Mosteller, let Riley out in the backyard. But the pet had bigger plans than to relax and enjoy the warm spring afternoon. Earlier that day, Riley had run into his pals who were spending the day at the Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique, and wanted to be with them. Hence, as soon as he was alone, the smart dog lifted the gate latch and began the mile-long walk to the doggy daycare.

When Tonia returned a short time later, she found the backyard empty and the gate wide open. Fortunately, before she had time to panic, her husband called to let her know that Riley was safe and having the time of his life at his favorite daycare.

Photo Credit: Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique

According to Teresa McCarter, owner of Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique, a customer had found Riley patiently sitting outside, just waiting to be let in. As soon as Teresa opened the door, the golden retriever barged in to greet 26 of his best friends, who all seemed as thrilled to see him.

Tonia was not surprised that Riley knew exactly how to get to the daycare, given that he has been going there since he was a puppy. She was, however, amazed that he loved it enough to escape from the house. Though the Mostellers offered to pick Riley up, Teresa would not hear of it. She decided that if Riley had made the effort to get to the daycare on his own, the least she could do was allow him to enjoy a complimentary day with his pals. Hopefully, Riley had a great time because to ensure he doesn’t pull the same trick again, Tonia has added an extra lock to the backyard gate!


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  • lovetoread26
    lovetoread26almost 5 years
    Lol I guess doggy daycare is really fun!
    • searchlight
      searchlightalmost 5 years
      This article is spectacular! #doglover
      • dragonite_0312
        dragonite_0312almost 5 years
        this article is so amazing! i wish my pitbull was that smart! lol
        • leiker1414
          leiker1414almost 5 years
          Lol so smart like and follow if you think that was smart and cute. I have a Springer spaniel her name is victory but we call her Tory for short
          • bookfan2009
            bookfan2009almost 5 years
            I want all of these dogs in that picture above!!!!!😁❤❤
          • bookfan2009
            bookfan2009almost 5 years
            Aww. SO cute!
            • animereina2021
              animereina2021almost 5 years
              What a mature dog, walking by himself to see his doggie friends...
              • animereina2021
                animereina2021almost 5 years
                Lol😂 So smart!!!! Eve (my doggo) learned how to get out of her own kennel when it was locked! Since it is quarantine and I know most of you are bored and have nothing to do, here is the question I have for this article... What type of dog do you have? If not a dog, then what is your pet? Have a great day guys and make sure to stay safe at home❤
                • chiligirl
                  chiligirlalmost 5 years
                  I have a dog, but we got him from a shelter so we are not sure what breed he is, we think he is a Jack russle and wiener dog. 🐕 I LOVE DOGGOS! Also usually we go on walks with my dog in the summer but this year we haven't been going as much because of COVID-19 so my dog is like, "Hello, what about my walk?" So anyway, please like or follow and stay safe if you go outside!
                  • leiker1414
                    leiker1414almost 5 years
                    Springer spaniel name victory #1 but we call her Tory for short
                    • lovetoread26
                      lovetoread26almost 5 years
                      I wish I had a dog...I have chickens and betta fish. Soon maybe a barn cat and there is a teeny possibility of baby goats.
                      • searchlight
                        searchlightalmost 5 years
                        Thank you! and yes I do have a dog
                        • carebear0518
                          carebear0518almost 5 years
                          I have a beagle named bubba and a corgi named Lucy
                          • dragonite_0312
                            dragonite_0312almost 5 years
                            i also have a pitbull named Bubba and i used to have a Beagle named Chich but he passed away sadly 2 years ago :(
                            • leiker1414
                              leiker1414almost 5 years
                              I know how that feels I had to watch my mom and step dad put my dog 🐕 down I had a bad bad meltdown. But she had a good life she lived to be 15 years old
                            • animereina2021
                              animereina2021almost 5 years
                              Aww! So cute! 💕🐶
                            • lpsbrooklyn13
                              lpsbrooklyn13almost 5 years
                              I have two dogs! I have a one year old Rottweiler called Jackie and an almost one year old Shih Tzu. Her bday is four days after mine. I love, love, LOVE your posts, also your avatar! Can you please follow me I followed you
                            • oops
                              oopsabout 5 years
                              Lol so smart!
                              • robloxgirl1234
                                robloxgirl1234over 5 years
                                awwww so cute