Suffering From Boredom? What Kind?

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The next time you utter the words 'I am bored', don't be surprised if someone asks you what kind? That's because scientists have discovered that there are five nuances of this one emotion - indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic!

The fact that this emotion that we all feel from time to time, can be classified into categories was first revealed by researchers in 2006. However, that study only resulted in the first four categories. In 2013, a group of researchers led by Thomas Goetz of the University of Konstanz in Germany, decided to conduct a follow-up study and see if the categories were still valid.

For their research they asked 63 university students and 80 high school students to answer smartphone-based surveys about their activities and experiences over the course of two weeks. The results that were published in the November 2013 edition of the scientific journal, Motivation and Emotion, not only confirmed the original four, but also, added one more - apathetic!

Curious to know what kind of boredom you suffer from? Read on . . .


According to the scientists this is the kind of boredom experienced when one is feeling relaxed, calm and withdrawn. In other words all those times when you are sitting in class staring at the ceiling and thinking 'I don't really care about this topic'.


if you are trying to really focus on this article, but your mind keeps wandering off wanting to read the one about the Verrückt water slide than you are experiencing what scientists call Calibrating boredom. According to the researchers, people that feel this the most are those that perform repetitive tasks and while they would like to decrease their boredom, they have no idea how to go about doing so.


You are experiencing searching boredom when a task makes you irritated and extremely restless and has you wishing to seek out more interesting activities to focus on.


This kind of boredom is a notch above searching and probably the worst kind - when an activity makes a person irritated to the point of aggression.

According to the researchers, those that suffer from this want to just leave the situation and the people they deem responsible for creating it - a group that could include teachers, bosses and even parents.

People suffering from this kind of boredom waste a lot of time thinking about what they would rather be doing and end up achieving very little.


This is the newcomer on the block and describes people who are bored to the level of feeling helpless. What is astonishing is that 36 percent of the high school students in the survey reported feeling this way. This worries the researchers because they believe apathetic boredom could contribute to depression. People suffering from it show very little interest in anything that is happening around them and start to develop a strong dislike towards everything and everyone.

Do you suffer from boredom? If so, be sure to vote for your favorite kind!,

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  • totallyme
    totallymeabout 11 years
    Who cares about what kind of boredom you have? All that matters is that you're bored.
  • omgabout 11 years
    omg really different types of bordem?
    • WazupPG13about 11 years
      Article Comprehension:1- indifferent,calibrating, searching, reactant, and apathetic. 2- For their research they asked 63 university students and 80 high school students to answer smartphone-based surveys about their activities and experiences over the course of two weeks. 3- 36 percent of the high school students in the survey reported feeling apathetic boredom. This worries the researchers because they believe apathetic boredom could contribute to depression. People suffering from it show very little interest in anything that is happening around them and start to develop a strong dislike towards everything and everyone.
      • WazupPG13about 11 years
        I suffer from indifferent boredom because most of the time, I already know how to do the lesson but I still have to listen to the lesson. I GET SO BORED.
        • otter
          otterabout 11 years
          Wow! I am always bored in the summertime.
          • mystery girlabout 11 years
            I am indifferent for at least 2 3rds of the school day.
            • hyper monketabout 11 years
              Can I have candy
              • canymaniacabout 11 years
                I don't get why you people suffer from boredom
              • kell-bell
                kell-bellabout 11 years
                I feel indifference now. :P
                • funsize
                  funsizeabout 11 years
                  I'm indifferent in math class a lot