Syrian Crisis May Be Resolved Through Diplomacy

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Just a few weeks ago there was a major debate going on between world leaders about what the best course of action was to prevent another incident of the chemical attack like the one the innocent residents of Syria were subjected to, on August 21st, 2013.

The USA and France wanted to conduct air strikes to try destroy the government's chemical arsenal, while Russia and many other countries in the world were leaning towards a diplomatic solution. After much argument, a compromise was reached.

On September 14th, the United Sates and the Bashar Al Assad's closest ally, Russia, announced that they would work with the Syrian government to eliminate the country's chemical weapon hoard by mid-2014. The landmark decision to try solve this issue peacefully through diplomacy was met with relief by nations all across the world.

Under the agreement struck between US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, in order to avoid air strikes the Syrian government would share the details of its chemical weapon stockpiles within a week. Following that they would grant inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) complete access to the weapons no later than November 2013.

On Friday, September 20th, the Syrian government complied with the first condition by sending in a list of its chemical weapons to the OPCW, a consortium of 189 countries that have signed an agreement outlawing such arsenal. While no details have been released with regards to the weapons, the fact that President Assad has fulfilled the first request indicates that he many be willing to work out a settlement. This has led to tepid optimism that a peaceful resolution will be reached, averting what could have become a major crisis. We sure hope that the process continues peacefully!


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  • CMabout 11 years
    I learned that While USA and France wanted to conduct air strikes to destroy the government's chemical arsenal Russia and other countries were learning toward a diplomatic solution. Also I learned that Bashar is Al Assad's closest ally. I think this is a good article.
    • Jordyn Cabout 11 years
      i learned that the USA and France wanted to conduct air strikes to try destroy the government's chemical arsenal. i also learned that On September 14th, the United Sates and the Bashar Al Assad's closest ally, Russia, announced that they would work with the Syrian government to eliminate the country's chemical weapon hoard by mid-2014. this article has really good information on Syria, Russia, and the USA.
      • Jared Cabout 11 years
        i learned a few weks ago there was a world debate going on between leaders to prevent chemicla attacks. i thought the article was very intresting
        • Alexis Cameronabout 11 years
          Taking away the weapons will eliminate a threat(Syria) for us(The United States). It will also minimize the power that Bashar Al Assad and the Syrian Government have over the Syrian Citizens. I also think the rebels will calm down because peace will finally be brought to their country
          • Jordyn Cabout 11 years
            I learned the USA and Russia wanted to cunduct air strikes to try to destroy the governments chemical arsenal. Another thing I learned was on September 14th, the United States and the Bashar Al Assad's closest ally Russia, announced that they would work with the Syrian to eliminate the country's chemical weapon hoard by mid-2014. This article has good information on the things that are gong on in Syria, Russia, and the USA.
            • DSabout 11 years
              Two facts that I learned were that the US and Russia are working together to help Syria. They're workiing together to help Syria's government to eliminste they're chemical weapon hoard. My opinion is that this topic is very important because it helps Syria with they're chemical weapon problem.
              • Presley Hollandabout 11 years
                I learned that The USA and France wanted to conduct air strikes to try destroy the government's chemical arsenal. I also learned that 189 countries that have signed an agreement outlawing such arsenal. I feel like countries should have weapons but not having weapons to start wars . They should only be used as a protection.
                • Jessica J.about 11 years
                  i learned that the USA and France wanted to conduct air strikes to try destroy the government's chemical arsenal, also that the landmark decision to try solve this issue peacefully through diplomacy was met with relief by nations all across the world. i thought this article was intresting because of how the goverment solved the solution.
                  • DPabout 11 years
                    Just reading this now I learned that russia was having problems so reading this helps me understand what that country goes through
                    • ronniemabout 11 years
                      The people want to get rid of the goverment becuase the goverment is bad. The U.S and Russia want to go to Syria to use the chemical weapons.