Hitting The Snooze Button Too Often? Then You May Need One Of These!

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Let's face it - Getting up for school at the ungodly hour of 6.00 or 7.00 am is tough, and ordinary alarm clocks are not much help either. Sure they may buzz or even play your favorite Taylor Swift or One DIrection song - But those lull you back into even sweeter dreams. So what's a kid to do? Fear not! These three ingenious inventions will help put a spring into your step - Literally!

Clocky And Tocky

If you are one of those people that like to begin the morning with a quick 'sprint' around your room, then you may want to invest in Clocky or its more modern wheel-less brother, Tocky. The two clocks look perfectly innocent when you first view them and are even, nice enough to let you have that first snooze - However, touch the button the second time and the motionless object will suddenly leap into action, jump off your bedside table and scurry away - While that may not bother you that much, what will, is the annoying noise it makes while running around the room! The only way to stop it? Catching it, which apparently, is not an easy task!

The brainchild of MIT student Gauri Nanda, Clocky the first of the two, was conceived as a classroom project for an industrial design class. In fact, Gauri had no intention of ever building a commercial product. However, the prototype that she built in three days, got so much attention, that she decided to set up her own company to manufacture and market this cool clock. As of October 2012, the company reported 500,000 users of Clocky. No word on how its sleeker, more expensive brother Tocky, is doing!

Not into a grueing sprint every morning? Then you may want to try out the . . .

Ramos Clock

Inventor Paul Ramos wanted to create something that would literally force him to get out of bed and given that the Ramos clock is being described as the world's most exasperating clock, he seems to have succeeded. Available in three 'flavors' this alarm clock will keep ringing incessantly, until the owner punches in a code on the 'Defuse Panel' - A separate piece of equipment, that Paul recommends should kept as far from the alarm clock as possible. And the smart ones that try to unplug the alarm clock, will get no respite either! That's because the clock has an internal battery that will keep the annoying ringing going on for hours!

If none of these can get you out of bed than you have may have no choice but to resort to this last solution that can only be described as 'shocking'!

Good Morning Sing N Shock Clock

Not surprisingly, this slick alarm clock too, is the creation of yet another University student. 19-year old Sankalp Sinha, a student of automobile engineering in Uttar Pradesh, India needed a radical solution to help him stop missing class and since nothing else seemed to work, he invented one that administers the only thing that can get him out of bed - An electric shock!

As it's name indicates, the clock will begin by belting out your favorite tunes. However, the second you touch the snooze button, it will zap you with an electric shock, which according to the inventor is harmless, but strong enough to jolt you into action. And while the amount of shock can be adjusted to suit the individual's needs, it will never be strong enough to cause any kind of neurological damage.

The only drawback to the Sing N Shock clock is that it is still just in concept phase - But given the amount of publicity it is receiving, don't be surprised if you see it in a store near you, soon!

Resources: Odditycentral.com, huffingtonpost.com,

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  • l_d_s
    l_d_sover 11 years
    I don't need one of those.
    • tron56
      tron56over 11 years
      i would not walk but run
      • cattycat
        cattycatover 11 years
        That's so cool!! I want one!
        • rhiannonover 11 years
          coooooollllll i guess. but i would forget to set the clocks :)))))
          • Mattover 11 years
            Welll I need one of those Exept I would get really annoyed every moring i mean COME ON it falls of your counter if u just reach for it!
            • dancerbrianna7
              dancerbrianna7over 11 years
              ok so even though in the video it showed clocky and tocky rolling all over the city, that doesnt mean they will when you buy them! most of us sleep with our doors shut in our rooms so clocky and tocky would not be able to get out of our rooms! i give credit to the people who made clocky and tocky! a very creative idea and a fun way for kids to get out of bed!
              • akaneoncityligh
                akaneoncitylighover 11 years
                wish i had one.
                • b_j_c
                  b_j_cover 11 years
                  i liked the alarm clock that rolls
                  • Dolphin Loverover 11 years
                    That is cool but I am glad I can get out of bed with a normal alarm. I would like to try clocky and tocky though!
                    • noway
                      nowayover 11 years
                      where can i get one of those