The Towns Of 'Dull' And 'Boring' Forge An 'Exciting' Alliance

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How do you add a little excitement to your life if you lived in a town called 'Dull'? By forging an alliance with one called 'Boring' of course!

The idea for the partnership began when Scottish resident Elizabeth Leighton was bicycling in Oregon and came across the town of Boring. When she returned home, she mentioned it to a friend who lives in the small Scottish town of Dull, Perthshire, who in turn contacted Boring's officials to see if they would be interested in becoming 'twin' towns. They agreed immediately and the two even came up with an 'exciting' marketing tagline - 'Boring and Dull - A Pair For All Ages'.

Turns out that new twin towns have a lot more in common besides their unusual names. Both get lost of snow and rain each year, have close knit communities and are known for well - Not much!

Dull, which derives its name from the Gaelic word for 'meadow' and has less than 200 residents is completely rural, with not a single shop - Just two chalets that are rented out to the few tourists that stumble upon it, every year.

With about 8,000 residents, Boring, which was named after homesteader William H. Boring, is a little bigger, and does have a few historical homes that attract the occasional tourist. But as Bob Boring, the grandson succinctly sums it - 'There's not a lot that goes on'!

Since the towns are so different in size, the alliance cannot be made official, but neither cares. They just want to have some fun and plan to add signs and even print t-shirts with the new tagline. What's next for these two towns? Maybe a three-way alliance with the city of Bland, Missouri?


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  • Blond wad about 12 years
    Laugh out loud!lol
    • heyitskatie
      heyitskatieabout 12 years
      lol i would be asleep if i were in either dull or boring and [no offense to people who live in dull or boring
      • sadiexoxo
        sadiexoxoabout 12 years
        • cuteover 12 years
          i would not feel bored just cause thats the town name!
          • hiphop101
            hiphop101almost 13 years
            i bet i would be bored living in dull or boring.... no offense to anyone who lives there!!!
            • tyleralmost 13 years
              sounds cool. but kinda confusing
              • inreply2almost 13 years
                and i would find it Boring to live in Dull! :) ( this is in reply to pugluv vr)
                • pugluvvr
                  pugluvvralmost 13 years
                  haha i would find it Dull to live in Boring!
                • greenapple
                  greenapplealmost 13 years
                  dull and boring they are right
                  • Saraalmost 13 years
                    cool but kid of "Dull".