It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's An Alien Spaceship?

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Over the years many people have spotted UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) flying across the skies and immediately jumped to the conclusion that they were alien spacecrafts. However, the claims have either been unsubstantiated or the object has turned out to be something man-made. But the latest sighting over the skies of Eastern Kentucky has not only been caught on tape, but also, so far not been claimed by anybody on Earth.

Resembling two florescent lights joined together the UFO was witnessed by many locals and caught on tape by amateur astronomer, Allen Epling. The Vergie, Kentucky resident said that his wife and he were entertaining some friends on the afternoon of Tuesday October 16th, when the granddaughter of one the guests noticed what she believed was a cool-looking airplane.

Allen said the mysterious object that resembled a bright daylight star, would intermittently get brighter and visible to the naked eye and then dim down and disappear from view. What intrigued him was that it seemed to be able stay at the high altitude for a long period of time without any apparent propellers or propulsion system.

So what was this strange UFO? Nobody knows! So far everybody from the US Department of Defense to the local airport authorities has denied having anything remotely like this in the skies on that particular day.

This has the believers in the existence of alien societies buzzing with excitement They think that the two florescent light bulbs were large Lightships and the flying object was an alien spaceship from the Ashtar Galactic Command. Allen is not too sure about that. He still believes it was something man-made - Just not sure what and who sent it there!

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  • LegoCityman17about 6 years
    WOW!!!! I read alot from my last post.
    • LegoCityman17about 6 years
      UFOs are so cool I whish I saw one.
      • LegoCityman17about 6 years
        These are all interesting facts!!!
        • konan1456
          konan1456about 6 years
          I think it’s a UFO test from Area 51.
          • LegoCity.an17about 6 years
            Is this real? :)
            • LegoCityman17about 6 years
              All of them seem so interesting are they real?
              • cool_waveabout 6 years
                wow!!!!!!!! no that i look back on my writing i saw that i rote a lot!!!!!!!!
                • cool_waveabout 6 years
                  im not sure if this is real but if it is i want one someday. if i ever in the lottery i would definitely ride this to school and ride it back home. I would definitely impress my friends and everybody else in my school. people would always want to ride in it but i would charge them 10$ per SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also i chose this alien as my avatar on purpose. i really ant to be an alien someday and ride on a real U.F.O!!!
                  • turtle girlabout 6 years
                    im at school and saw this but the video was restricted so when i get home i will watch the video
                    • seconddragon335
                      seconddragon335about 6 years
                      I think it could possibly be true