Santa Penguins Bring Christmas Cheer To South Korea

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Christmas has come early for the lucky children in South Korea - And not in the form of the Ho-Ho-Ho kind of Santa Claus, but a much cuter penguin version. Except in this case, the penguins dressed up as both Santa and reindeer!

The November 17th, March of the Holiday Penguins, marked the beginning of the 'Christmas Fantasy', celebration at the Everland Amusement Park in Yongin, just south of Seoul. To the delight of both children and adults, the dozen or more tuxedo birds waddled solemnly some in Santa suits, while other posing as reindeers with antlers sticking out from their backs, instead of heads. These of course are no ordinary penguins, but endangered African Penguins, also know as Jackass Penguins, thanks to their donkey-like braying call.

With the streets lit up with over 2 million lights and lined with 80 Christmas trees, as well as, loads of fake snow, the March of the Santa Penguins was truly an amazing sight, and a little more fun that the March of the Penguins documentary, don't you think?

Happy Countdown to Christmas!


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