That 'Happy Meal' Could Make You Rich!

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Need help convincing your parents to buy you a Happy Meal - how about this? - Those little plastic toys may be worth some serious money some day. Don't believe us? - Just ask 11-year old Luke Underwood, who collected a cool $11,470 USD, from his collection last night.

Luke's collection, thought to be the largest in the United Kingdom, comprised of 7,000 pieces of memorabilia, collected between 1990-1999. It ranged from unused Happy Meal boxes to posters and hundreds of toys, as well as, a rare, complete set of 101 Dalmatian toys, still in their original wrapping.

Incase you are wondering - it would take about 10,000 Happy Meals to collect so many toys. However, Luke wasn't the lucky recipient of any. He convinced his father to buy the entire collection from an avid fan about four years ago, for a mere $350 USD.

When the collection started to fill up space in every room, Luke's father decided to sell it, and contacted Unique Auctions to help them out. The response was amazing and last night the entire collection was snagged by collectors from America, United Kingdom, Germany, and other parts of Europe.

While Luke is sad to see his collection split up, he is already scouting around for the next bargain, which he can resell for a gigantic profit!


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  • susie
    susieabout 11 years
    • buddernews
      buddernewsabout 11 years
      Dude that is awesome i have to start collecting today!
      • leah2u
        leah2uover 11 years
        this is so cool
        • Hey, it's me!over 11 years
          NOT TRUE
          • headream100
            headream100over 11 years
            I have a collection of Indian beads. I'm not sure what it's worth, but I love them anyway. Also, I am now collecting rare glass marbles and pieces of antique furniture.
            • borntoplay
              borntoplayalmost 12 years
              A man who owns the gas station near my house has over 1 thousand happy meal memorabilia, since his neighbor is the original owner of McDonald's. TRUE STORY.
              • la_eliza
                la_elizaalmost 12 years
                • jackson5
                  jackson5almost 12 years
                  American girl dolls are better so you should start collecting them even if your a boy
                  • cayla4325
                    cayla4325over 7 years
                    My mom has every American Girl doll that exists. She sold them for 10000 and was told that was a CHEAP price!! Can you believe it?!!
                  • Connoralmost 12 years
                    Who Luke what happy meal could make you rich wine 2009 march 5, where in he's hoswes why to clakt it
                    • batontwirler
                      batontwirleralmost 12 years
                      I didn't know you could make money off of cheesy McDonald's toys! That's an easy way to earn money! I'm going to start a collection of McDonald's toys, and then sell them!