Video Of The Week - Is This Magic?

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Can you outsmart Professor Richard Wiseman at this fun 'Prediction' game? Chances are you will not be able to - And it's not because he is an amazing magician.

Richard Wiseman is actually a psychologist with a passion for science. He has developed a new area of science, that he calls 'Quirkology', whereby he uses mainstream methods to investigate unusual topics and human behavior.

The reason the video makes him look so 'magical' is because he has figured out how most of us think and can 'predict' our moves within the guidelines he provides . To watch other fun videos by the professor, check out his site

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  • summer rose polsterover 14 years
    that was coooooool
    • coolover 14 years
      That is spooky. It makes me wonder if he can see what im doing.
      • lalalalalaover 14 years
        he beat me...=[ that was pretty cool
        • mysteryover 14 years
          cooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllll i loooooooooooooooove this page
          • jaquelineover 14 years
            I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            • dadadaover 14 years
              • Ellie Evansover 14 years
                That is cool!!
                • Alana over 14 years
                  He's a loser I won in the beggining!!!!!!
                  • me jamo maeover 14 years
                    soy feo
                    • CoolDude27over 14 years
                      Me too he's a loser but he was really close he lost on the last 2