The buzz on the "Hannah Montana Concert" movie

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In case you missed it, the must-see Hannah Montana Concert is now the must-see 3-D movie of the year. It's only playing in theatres for one week, from Feb 1st thru February 7th. Here's the inside scoop on the movie from our very own DOGONews viewers who saw it this weekend.

Sarah(9) - "Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers in the Disney Digital 3-D movie rocked! I think every kid thought it was great"

Sona(8) - "I liked the movie because the songs were good and it was fun watching the stuff that happened backstage"

Emilie(11) - "The Hannah Montana 3-D concert movie was really good. You got to watch most of the real concert, so it was almost the same as watching it live. The behind-the-scenes stuff was cool, but I think it could have been better! I don't think the 3-D concert part could have been any better, it was Fantastic!"

Edyn(8) "The Hannah Montana 3-D movie is like having a front-row seat at a concert. You feel like you can reach out and touch Miley and her dancers throughout the show. It was like a roller coaster ride. The Jonas Brothers sang their hits: "When You Look Me in the Eyes" and "The Year 3000." And, they sang with Miley, "We Got the Party with Us".I thought the movie was outstanding. I really liked the song Miley did called "Let's Dance," a new song that I had only heard one other time. I also thought that the song "I Can't Wait to See You Again" was great "

Makenna(8) "It was really good! I had a lot of fun at the show"

Kendall(8) "I want to watch it again! She sang all my favorite songs"

Madison(8) "It was so good. We screamed!"

Julia (8) "It was awesome.! I was to see it again"

Cate(8) Though I was one of the lucky ones and saw the actual concert (from the 3rd row!!), I thought the movie was the best with all the back-stage scenes. I thought it was the BEST EVER!

Maggie(8) - If you ask me, the Hannah Montana movie was awesome! It was the 3-D which made it cool.

Kavi(5) - I loved the Hannah Montana movie because the 3-D made it look like I was really watching the concert.

DOGONews mum (old!) - this was the best $9 I spent. Even I fell in love with this charming and wholesome girl. Also with the 3-D effects, it felt like you were at the live concert.

There you have it folks - If you are still on the fence, these stellar reviews of the movie should convince you to go buy the tickets now!

And finally, no Hannah Montana article would be complete without a song from her - so here goes. Enjoy!

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  • noonover 7 years
    her songs are really good
    • reover 7 years
      soooooooooooo pretty love
      • dover 8 years
        Miley used to look so pretty but now she doesn't look good
        • Elliotover 8 years
          I miss Miley's old songs
          • MEover 8 years
            I remember watching that on premier night haha
            • coolover 8 years
              i love this song
              • So coolover 8 years
                • Demondkidalmost 9 years
                  She was so pretty but look what she did to her self and I LOVE PANDAS TOO!!!!!!!
                  • kenia almost 9 years
                    love pandas for life
                    • swirlycool
                      swirlycoolalmost 9 years
                      love her songs