Plight Of The Antarctic Penguins

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Two King Penguins and one Gentoo Penguin taking a walk (Photo Credit: By Liam Quinn from Canada via Wikipedia commons.

The fascinating documentary "March of the Penguins" touched on some of the issues faced by Emperor Penguins, due to global warming. Now scientists are predicting even more dire consequences if some preventive measures are not taken soon.

A recent report warns that the four species of penguins that breed on the Antarctic Continent - Emperor, Chinstrap, Adelie, and Gentoo - are in danger of extinction, because the melting ice in the Antarctic is taking away precious ground on which they raise their young and from which they obtain their food supply.

Colonies of the Emperor Penguins have been reduced by almost half over the past fifty years. Warmer winter temperatures and stronger winds have forced the penguins to raise their little one on thinner ice. As the ice breaks, chicks and eggs, not ready to survive on their own are being blown away.

The Adelie species is also suffering from the global warming phenomenon and has seen it's colonies reduced by almost sixty percent in the last 25 years. Their issue is slightly different. This species requires land that is free of snow and ice to bring up its young ones. Only two percent of the Antarctica is ice-free. With the temperatures getting warmer, the moisture in the air is resulting in more frequent and heavier snowfalls. This is making it hard for the Adelie penguins to survive.

The Chinstrap and Gentoo species are both suffering from lack of Krill (tiny shrimp-like fish), which thrives in sea ice (ice that forms from sea water). A combination of the ice melting and over-fishing in the Antarctic has led to a shortage of food for both these species.

The environmental organization is hoping that their warnings will be heard and stronger measures taken to stop the alarming consequences of global warming, which will hopefully help save these gorgeous animals from extinction.


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  • frankiebaby
    frankiebabyover 10 years
    I hope these penguins can survive! They are my favorite animals!
  • poppyrockstar
    poppyrockstarover 10 years
    Oh no!! Im not going to let penguins die.I♡penguins SO much. They are my favorite animals.Follow me lf you love penguins. Penguins are for life! ♡♡♡
  • peacheslarue
    peacheslarueover 10 years
  • football10over 10 years
    we have to save the penguins
  • Brentover 10 years
    • Josiegover 10 years
      Good one
      • Brandon S.about 11 years
        It's sad to think that penguins will slowly die out in a couple of years.
        • Amruta P. about 11 years
          i think that we should get off our electronics and do something to help the penguins.
          • poppyrockstar
            poppyrockstarover 10 years
            You are so right.
            • peacheslarue
              peacheslarueover 10 years
              i tottally agree!
              • happypug12
                happypug12over 10 years
                Are penguins your favorite animal, peacheslarue?
                • peacheslarue
                  peacheslarueover 10 years
                  OF course they are!! I luv penguins!.Then killer whales and giraffes come next! You know wats kinda wierd, when i was little and i went to daycare they had all their rooms named after animals! My sister went into the joey room (a joey is a baby kangaroo) and you can probably GUESS wich room i was in..................THe PENGUIN ROOM!!! Now happypug and nikukyu, wats ur guys favorite animal?!
                  • nikukyu
                    nikukyuabout 10 years
                    Do you really have to ask peacheslaure? CATS, of course! Wow! I spelled your name without looking at it! Oh Yeah...
        • amran sulimanabout 11 years
          I think that some people that know how to care of animals travel there and rescue as much penguins as they can. They need to take them into ice freezing rooms until everything comes back to normal.
          • Angel habout 11 years
            This goes to prove that cars, factories and other things that release gases into the air really is affecting our environment