Summer Reading 2015

KIDS - Read & Win Free Books!

How ? Its fun and easy.....
  1. Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
  2. Select books from Reading List
  3. Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks
  4. Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
  5. Do it again (till Prizes last)

* max of 20 books per entry


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Reading List (78)
Prize List (76)
  • sushi321
    sushi321about 9 years
    Editor- I have a question. In freebies, do I have to send the consent form every time I enter one? Because its hard sent a parent consent form every single time. So I was just wondering.
    • felicisowl
      felicisowlabout 9 years
      Hi sushi321! If in "freebies" you mean the advanced review program, then no, you only have to send the parental consental form once. In my case I had to send it twice for some reason but that was just like a really rare case and probably won't happen. The editor just has to know that your parents agree that you can participate in this program. :)
      • editor
        editorabout 9 years
        hi you only have to send the parental consent form once for and then be eligible for all our free programs
  • bigmelo
    bigmeloabout 9 years
    Dear editor, I haven't been checking in on my activity so often as usual. What's the advanced reviewing program, & what is its purpose? :D
    • felicisowl
      felicisowlabout 9 years
      Hi bigmelo! (1) The advanced reviewing program was not announced in any posts because it's not a particularly new thing, and it's okay since you can always catch up on posts (2) I already explained this in a past comment on the second page (I think) of the summer reading, but basically some publishers and some authors send advanced reading copies for some bibliophiles (or people who like books) to read before the general public read them. So the DOGONews editor filters out all the adult books and has a selection of children's advanced reviewing books sent to her. To get entered in the program, write her an email at and tell her that you're entering the advanced review program (if you are interested) and ask her for a "Parental Consent" form. After she sends you it, your parent(s) must fill it out, scan it, and email it to her. Then whenever she gets a new book, she will email a notification to your parents/your email saying that a new book has arrived. You can explore the DOGObooks link of that book and see if that book is right for you, and then say "yes" or "no" to whether you want to read AND REVIEW the book. If you read the book and you receive the free new book, you have to write a review within a time period (usually 2 weeks or so, a few days extra is okay) in order to keep the book. Hope this answers your questions! And hey, do you think you could spread the word to some of your DOGONews friends? I know you know a lot of the people in the community :) This is just a huge favor but I'd thank you if you'd do it for me :)
      • bigmelo
        bigmeloabout 9 years
        Thanks a lot for explaining it in detail, felicisowl! And yes, I'll spread the word about it! :D
      • editor
        editorabout 9 years
        Hi bigmelo It means we send you books that are not out in bookstores yet in exchange for an honest review - If you are interested ask one of your parent's to e-mail me at and I can explain the details
        • bigmelo
          bigmeloabout 9 years
          Really? That sounds cool! I'll see if my parents'll let me join. :D
      • genius1326
        genius1326about 9 years
        I am first in summer reading!
      • asmaa1
        asmaa1about 9 years
        do u read the books on the computer or no
        • genius1326
          genius1326about 9 years
          No, you have to check it out from a library or buy it and read it to write a review.
        • playdoh
          playdohabout 9 years
          dear editor, have 2 questions. 1. i ordered my book and when it comes will it be brand new or is it used? 2. would it be cheating if u used the same book but did a different review? thanks! -playdoh
          • genius1326
            genius1326about 9 years
            Sorry. I know I am not editor, but I thought I could answer those. 1:, the books are all brand new, so you don't have to worry. 2:, I am not sure what you mean. Like, writing a review on a book, and doing a review on the same one again? Because, that will not work. The database will automatically load your's in permanently, so, yeah, you can't write another one for credit.
        • readwriter
          readwriterabout 9 years
          Okay, I selected a prize book about a month and a half ago, and I still haven't gotten it. Is it supposed to take this long for it to get to me? Or did something happen?
          • turtlenicole
            turtlenicoleabout 9 years
            editor- do I have to send in a new consent form every year or do I just stick with the one I sent in last year?
            • wolflover1
              wolflover1about 9 years
              These books are little childish looking. I mean, captain underpants?! Maybe you could create a reading program for young adults and children next time? ~WolfLover1~
              • happypug12
                happypug12about 9 years
                Yes, @felicisowl is right. Besides, you don't know if they're childish or not if you haven't read them yet, right? Never, Ever, under any circumstances judge a book by it's cover at least until you've read the introduction flap. I suggested for next year that there be +200 books and everyone can vote on a restricted amount and the ones that get the most votes get into the Summer Reading Program, so maybe next year will be a bit different.
                • felicisowl
                  felicisowlabout 9 years
                  Hi wolflover1, I understand if you think that some of these books are a little childish, but some of these books are great reads :) There are a lot of good "teenager-appropriate" reads, like Lockwood & Co and Harry Potter I really enjoyed :) Plus these books are meant for young adults and children - most of the books have to be appropriate for all age groups. You can always suggest books for next year, even though it is not guaranteed to be included on the Summer Reading List or Prize List :)
                • playdoh
                  playdohabout 9 years
                  dear editor, how does the book i want come to my house. i clicked on it and it showed it in the box for prizes but didn't ask for my address. do u wait for the end of summer then all of your prizes come to your house? thanks!!!
                  • editor
                    editorabout 9 years
                    In order for us to send you the prizes you have to send us a signed parental consent form. The prizes will be sent when we have that
                • thedebatin
                  thedebatinabout 9 years
                  maybe books for older kids next year like the hunger games, the selected series and so on
                  • editor
                    editorabout 9 years
                    yes great suggestion - also was wondering if you would be interested in joining our advance review team. ask a parent to e-mail me at if you are

                  Summer Reading 2015 has ended!

                  May 14 - September 30, 2015
                  Terms and Conditions

                  Summer Reading 2015 Stats

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                  Prizes won:
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