jayhak's Activity (6120)

  • pipermc11
    pipermc11 added a book review.
    Warren the 13th and the Whispering Woods is a creepily enchanting story. I liked that it jumped right into the story directly from the last novel, so that there wasn't a gap in between. Tania del Rio did a great job of giving some context from the last book and transitioning to The Whispering Woods so that those who didn't read the first book won't be confused. The walking hotel was definitely one of the enchanting aspects of the novel, and I was happy to see Warren's progression from the last book to be happier. I also loved how his friends picked up people from all around the country to join the hotel. I loved how each setting (either the hotel, the forest, etc.) felt different from each other and had a distinct setting. I felt like the book did a good job with having multiple plot lines, yet it didn't feel rushed or strange. I also loved the pictures in both books, so it can be appealing to elementary age kids but still provide a valuable story for middle schoolers. I would definitely recommend this to elementary age to middle school age, and it was a great read!
    Over 7 years ago
  • pipermc11
    pipermc11 has read this book.
    Over 7 years ago
  • pipermc11
    pipermc11's book review was featured in See You in the Cosmos.
    All Alex Petroski wants is to send his iPod out into space like his idol, Carl Sagan. He figures that recording his experience leading up to the launch would be a great way to let the future know his story. Unfortunately, sending something into space is harder than it seems, and a new notification from Ancestry.com about Alex's dad leads him across an uncharted mystery... I loved this book so, SO much! Alex was such a lovable character, and I adored his dog, Carl Sagan as well, since pretty much any dog is going to be cute! I also really liked Terra and Zed, and I thought they were interesting and unique characters that added a lot to the story. The format of the book was also interesting, since it was told through recordings from Alex's iPod, so it was almost like a digital or recording diary, which is very unique. I also really enjoyed how the book was able to tackle so many important issues while still making it family friendly and with a ring of innocence, since Alex is only eleven (though at least thirteen in maturity). Alex's situation is terrible, but I feel as if I've learned a lot from him and his experiences without even realizing it! I would definitely recommend this to older readers (10+) or to someone who's interested in science and space, because, not only is it an important read for everyone, but it's also a very intriguing, fun, and fast-paced book!
    Over 7 years ago
  • pipermc11
    pipermc11 added a book review.
    All Alex Petroski wants is to send his iPod out into space like his idol, Carl Sagan. He figures that recording his experience leading up to the launch would be a great way to let the future know his story. Unfortunately, sending something into space is harder than it seems, and a new notification from Ancestry.com about Alex's dad leads him across an uncharted mystery... I loved this book so, SO much! Alex was such a lovable character, and I adored his dog, Carl Sagan as well, since pretty much any dog is going to be cute! I also really liked Terra and Zed, and I thought they were interesting and unique characters that added a lot to the story. The format of the book was also interesting, since it was told through recordings from Alex's iPod, so it was almost like a digital or recording diary, which is very unique. I also really enjoyed how the book was able to tackle so many important issues while still making it family friendly and with a ring of innocence, since Alex is only eleven (though at least thirteen in maturity). Alex's situation is terrible, but I feel as if I've learned a lot from him and his experiences without even realizing it! I would definitely recommend this to older readers (10+) or to someone who's interested in science and space, because, not only is it an important read for everyone, but it's also a very intriguing, fun, and fast-paced book!
    Over 7 years ago
  • pipermc11
    pipermc11 has read this book.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cool_girl101
    cool_girl101 has read this book.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cool_girl101
    cool_girl101 added a news bookmark.
    The Mannequin Challenge is the latest viral Internet video trend that is taking the world by storm. As the name indicates, it involves being frozen in action for about a minute ...
    Over 7 years ago
  • pipermc11
    pipermc11's book review was featured in The Inquisitor's Tale: Or, The Three Magical Children and Their Holy Dog.
    Have you ever wondered how fairy tales were formed? Look no further than The Inquisitor's Tale! I really enjoyed this, and it gave a unique perspective in how stories are written. Each of the characters were unique, such as Jeanne being influenced by Joan of Arc, as both are strong warriors. Jacob's motivation about family was especially important and was very real. I also loved Will's character, because he was so kind and passionate about his religion. The illustrations also brought a whole new level and helped me with the different characters. What I loved most about the book was how much the author made sure that the book was authentic. He did a lot of research to make sure that he was proud of the story, and I could tell he put a lot of hard work into writing this book! Overall, I would suggest this book for older readers who want to read about a more serious story that also has a great plot!
    Over 7 years ago
  • pipermc11
    pipermc11 added a book review.
    Have you ever wondered how fairy tales were formed? Look no further than The Inquisitor's Tale! I really enjoyed this, and it gave a unique perspective in how stories are written. Each of the characters were unique, such as Jeanne being influenced by Joan of Arc, as both are strong warriors. Jacob's motivation about family was especially important and was very real. I also loved Will's character, because he was so kind and passionate about his religion. The illustrations also brought a whole new level and helped me with the different characters. What I loved most about the book was how much the author made sure that the book was authentic. He did a lot of research to make sure that he was proud of the story, and I could tell he put a lot of hard work into writing this book! Overall, I would suggest this book for older readers who want to read about a more serious story that also has a great plot!
    Over 7 years ago

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